Well, despite the order of the subject line, I think I'll start by talking about last week's Pride meeting since I haven't gotten around to it til now. It was much more interesting than the last meeting, because the last meeting was all about elections. This more recent one we played games, watched vids, and then split into groups and had a contest to see which group was most informed about QLTBAG issues. It was great! And some of us actually learned stuff. :P
At the very end, a girl got down on one knee and proposed to her S.O of six months. I'm pretty sure it was fake, because number one, we're holding a freedom to marry event this Thursday with mock weddings, and number two, the ring was made of candy (you know, one of those ring-pops). The whole thing was hilarious nonetheless, with the person being proposed to hiding their face and begging us to make it stop.
My ex-boyfriend came over last night to 'drop off some stuff I left at his place' code for, he wanted to see if I'd changed my mind. Apparently he'd actually asked my mother what he could do to get me back. What kind of person does that? Our relationship, or lack there of, is between us. There's absolutely no need to go asking my mother what to do to get me back. That's after telling me when we broke up that he wasn't worried, he'd gotten me once, so he could get me again.
The nerve of this guy. I am so glad I broke up with him. He was manipulative, and controlling. I felt like he was trying to take over my life the whole time I was with him. He actually tried to tell me what I could and couldn't eat at one point (though I shot that down mighty quick). Another time, he told me he didn't do long distance relationships even short term, and I'm like do you expect me to give up my plans of going to Germany for a semester then? Plans that I'd had for a couple of years before he appeared in my life I might add.
And he was constantly wanting to have sex, always telling me what an 'important part of a relationship' it was. Maybe I only thing it was constantly because I'm borderline asexual, but if he couldn't respect my feelings on the matter, then that's all I should really have to say. I truly can't believe I stayed with him for three months at this point. Then again, a lot of times he was romantic, and not afraid to tell me how he felt. Also, I think I can see his faults much clearer since I broke up with him.
I think it only fair to mention that not everything was his fault. I know I put strains on our relationship, which really makes it a miracle that we lasted as long as we did now that I think about it.