E is for Eclectic

Aug 10, 2012 12:46

I quickly googled eclectic and got the following definition:
Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

Because of what I like to call 'Magpie Eclectics' a fair number of pagans have a poor view of eclecticism. A Magpie Eclectic is one who looks at different faiths, religions, traditions, stories and everything else in order to adopt anything that is sufficiently appealing. They take the shinies and leave the substance.

There are also Serious Eclectics, who will look at all of the above sources in order to seek wisdom and learning from them. A Serious Eclectic won't just take the pretty parts and leave behind the substance that provides a deeper meaning.

This isn't to say that a Magpie Eclectics won't ever find deeper meaning, or that a Serious Eclectic will never go "Ooohhh! Shiny!"; those are merely the ends of the spectrum and most people will fall somewhere in between. A person can start out of the Magpie end and grow towards the Serious end over time.
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