Poem:Last One Standing

Apr 12, 2006 11:40


I know some of you will know what this is about; others won't have a clue...there'll be a little explanation at the end.

Last One Standing

You know it wasn’t meant to be this way
I wasn’t supposed to see this day
I wasn’t meant to be the last
How did eight so quickly fade into the past

What the hell happened to our plan
I’m not sure if I can
Survive like some solitary exile
I try to look to the future but I taste bile

What happened to young death being rare
Was it something in the stagnant air
Or was it something we pushed away
Something our own personalities betray

Corpses and memories pull
And why is everything so pitiful
As always I am pushing for what I can’t be
But for once I wish I didn’t have to see

What we’ve always been a part of
And I wonder if She’s watching from above
‘Cause isn’t this what we make deities for?
Our suffering and mourning in so-called glory.

I wish it wasn’t like this
I wish all of you hadn’t found that abyss
As always, I’m selfish and self-centred
But I’m done playing this game-so demented

Anyway: Short explanation, a very close frienfd of mine passed away recently--the eighth one to die out of the nine of us, which kind of leaves me a bit at a loss, resulting in this particular poem.

death, poetry, order-girls, friends

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