Okay, so I'm going to do something I've never subjected my El-Jay people too. I'm going to really really rant. However, since I'm not a complete bitch I'll put it behind a cut, since I'm sure 90% of people don't want to read my feminism rant.
Since when is 'feminism' a dirty word?
And why am I not tecnically allowed to be a feminist just because I shave my legs, wear a bra, went to finishing school and am growing my hair out. I was unaware that only hairy girls who spell women with a 'y' were allowed to be feminists. (And yes, in case you couldn't tell I am being sarcastic.)
I find it sad that we live in a world where women are still expected to be emotional, illogical, and unreasonably moody. For goodness sake, don't say anything about religion or politics, and for god's sake don't say that a saw is a cliche tool for dismemberment when asked your opinion on a murder!
Well, gee, I thought you actually wanted my opinion when you asked for it. I didn't realise you wanted the fake human-interest answer, because the normal, jaded, cynical me couldn't care less if a guy chopped up his brother. The M.O. is far more interesting than just another murder that doesn't effect me.
I'm sorry I'm not appropriate, but the last response I need is 'That's not a thing for a girl to say!' Wow...the things guys can get away with saying.
Another thing, why are women still put up with philandering men? I'm sick and tired of hearing the same old stories. 'He loves me! He's changed!' Yeah, well he doesn't act like it.
Human nature never seems to change. Take The Odyssey. Penelope's at hoome patiently weaving and unweaving, turning away new suitors while her husband is off with various women.
I'd be Calypso over Penelope any day, keeping her lover bound to her on her island, only for as long as she wanted, releasing him not when he chosses, but instead when she becomes emotionally involved. Smart woman, that. Calypso is really the only one in his string in liasons that Odysseus doesn't leave protesting and broken-hearted. She gets out when she wants, not before.
We need more women like that. I am in no way condemning love, but rather the intelligent women who lose their common sense when faced with it. I oppose losing yourself and becoming so reliant on a lover that you can't live without them, even though I may understand it.
And yes, I do realise the pun in the cut text.