Jun 15, 2006 18:12
I love my diet pills *huggles diet pills* Why this affection, you wonder? Because thanks to my grandmother's insistance on a restricitve diet, the diet pills, and staunchly refusing to touch Buzz's birthday cake I am now wearing my NY Liberty jersey that I haven't been able to wear for six years
*Does ridiculous happy dance*
Now I just have to manage to lose some more and get a few new corsets. Correction: Lose a lot more.
And Da's birthday present came today. *squee*
Good place to start though. So...yes...happiness.
Bad news? My laptop gets to be sent off back to TX to be fixed again, but I'm hyper and slightly manic and my mood is no where near crashing, even though my laptop's being a prat.
My collar has almost completely broken and I don't know when I'll get to go shopping for a new one. Da and I are probably going up to Shippensburg to fix things for Aunt Mary on Sat, so no shopping trip there... and Sun. is Laundry Day! *le sigh*
I've got 3 different plot bunnies jostling for my attention
And Buzz's birthday came and went and she was thrilled with her new deck, so that's good.
Oh...and my one old leabhar that I filled seems to have disappeared... I'm not sure whether or not to be worried, or whether I just put it away somewhere so it didn't get lost, or if I'm just not looking in the right places or whether someone took it. I'm not particularly worried, there was nothing too old in it that I can't replicate, and the darkest iut goes is grey so, no worries about that. Now if it were the one before or after it I'd be flipping out, but this one isn't that important. Still, not a good idea to lose your leabhars...
...Maybe it's off hiding with my folding fans that I "put away for the winter" two years ago and now can't find for the life of me. This is why I don't try to organise my things and "put them in their proper place" because I can never bloody remember where the proper place is!
But, weight lost! Clothing fitting! All in all, life is good!
tarot cards,
missing items