Nov 03, 2014 18:59

Author/Artist: iwao
Glomp For: savoy61
Title: Willingly Given
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): A smidgeon of blood
Epilogue compliant? I don't think so.
Author's/Artist's Notes: Dear savoy61: Your prompt ( Read more... )

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lq_traintracks November 4 2014, 00:36:32 UTC
I just COULD NOT click on this fast enough! And now I can't look away. Dear GOD! It's both beautiful and hot. Like, BEAUTIFUL. And SO HOT. I'm incapable of talking.

Okay, let me try again.

Nope, it's still not working. I'm just staring at Harry's fangs, and those drops of blood, and Draco's chest, and his hand down his trousers, and Harry's possessive leg, and the arch of Draco's neck, the surrender, the calm submission, and and and the folds of Harry's shirt, ffs! *FLAILS SO MUCH*

This is just mesmerizing to me. <3


iwao November 4 2014, 22:01:57 UTC
Thank you, amor, could be worse, I guess! Lolol!

Love you!!! *hugsies*


lq_traintracks November 4 2014, 22:05:12 UTC
Could be worse?? What are you talking about? O_o


iwao November 4 2014, 22:25:32 UTC
Oh, it's one of those things! LOLOL! you know me! :D


lq_traintracks November 4 2014, 22:51:56 UTC
I know you're awesome. So shut up.



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