I Fight like a Girl!

Oct 31, 2012 19:37

First and foremost: ♥Love and Light♥ to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Quick note to let you know I'm still here - I'll be catching up on posts shortly.
I've just been getting a little stressed, between the responsibilities of my new role at work and the recent diagnosis of PCOS. As supervisor, I've been taking evening duty manager shifts for a while and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Last week, I got the diagnosis of PCO.  I was a little low for a couple of days but I've since picked myself up and we're ready to charge that mountain. Thousands of women battle with PCOS related fertility issues every year. It's an obstacle not a barrier.

Hope everyone's having a great Samhain/Halloween/festival practiced now(ish)!

pcos, life, work, updates

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