Meme time

Apr 24, 2010 08:42

Snitched from rivulet027 , because I enjoy a good meme:

Can apply to RP-things or fic-things. Or both.

meme under cut )


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serpentine85 May 4 2010, 09:04:39 UTC
Sorry it took so long. Comment in two parts, because of length restrictions.

A. You like my Carlos? *is all happy* :D

B. Pick one of my characters and I'll answer the following questions about him or her.
1. What would your character kill for? What would they die for?
For the sake of the Earth, and nothing short of that, Carlos would kill some evil fiend if there were no other option.
2. What would they refuse to do under any circumstances? Why?
Sing: Carlos doesn't like it known that he has a rather fine singing voice. His reasons for this aren't clear, but I'm sure there's bound to be a story behind it.
3. What do they dream about?
A world where rangers aren't necessary. He's not to sure about what he would do in that instance, and he'd miss having the power to help others, but he certainly wouldn't miss the early mornings, bumps and bruises.
4. What’s their biggest fear?
Carlos' biggest fear is that someday, someone will realize he's had too many blessings in his life and take it all back.
5. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with? Why?
Carlos doesn't place a great deal of value in material things. Sure, he'd be miffed if he lost his engagement band or the lucky frog figurine he thinks Adam hasn't found hidden in his away pack, but he knows that as long as he has his health, his family and friends, nothing has greater value than that.
6. What is their fondest memory?
The day he came home from his final mission into space and Adam accepted his proposal infront of all their friends.
7. What is their worst memory?
The destruction of the command centre on Earth. It was the first time in his life that he'd felt truly helpless.
8. What or who was were their most significant influence?
Adam Park.
Through soccer, he taught Carlos about teamwork. By placing the power and responsibilities of the green ranger in his hands, Adam showed him trust and respect. Through friendship, he taught him to accept others; and through love, he taught Carlos to accept himself. Carlos truly believes he is who he is today because of Adam.
9. What do they believe makes a successful life?
The love and respect of friends and family.
10. What makes them laugh?
Bulk and Skull: those two should have their own tv show!
11. What are their religious views?
Carlos isn't especially religious himself, prefering to place his faith in more earthly things, like the people around him.
12. What is their greatest strength?
The strength of others' belief in him: the love and acceptance of his partner and friends is enough to see him through anything.
13. Do they have a fatal flaw? If so, what is it?
Carlos finds it difficult to believe he's worthy of such great power, when he's a ranger. He feels personal responsibility every time something goes wrong (and, bless him, he does tend to over-react just a little)
14. Who is the most important person in their life?
Without a doubt, his long term friend and partner Adam
15. If they died, who would miss them most? How would they die?
Knowing Carlos, it would probably be in the midst of doing something stupidly heroic. He would be sorely missed by his large circle of friends and family, but the one who misses him the most would have to be Adam.


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