"Anomolies bug me!"

Apr 26, 2009 08:50

(anyone care to guess who said that?)

As I was thinking about the pairing Dillon/Ziggy this morning, I was greatly amused by the difference in color interactions. I've read more than one person put forward that green is 'strength' and black is 'the one you never see coming'. It's a theory I've made great use of whilst still formulating my own, which is why I've started to find the color dynamic of Dillon and Ziggy so interesting.
Ziggy is not the 'strength' of the team in the traditional sense. I guess perhaps time and another half series will tell if I've misjudged him in that respect. Dillon - well, you definitely can see him coming - from quite a distance infact; just look for the plume of flame, smoke and debris and you know Dillon isn't far behind!
So now I've got to scrap my original thoughts on ranger colors and start again.

Just so you know what got me started on this line of thought, I read luellon's fic Lollipops this morning and I really enjoyed her use of Dillon's unique perspective to give an interesting twist to her insightful portrayal of Ziggy. Go see!

recs, dillon, rpm, link(s) to fic(s)

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