Fic:Always;Chapter Two (Adam/Carlos) PG

Apr 08, 2009 09:18

Chapter Title: Honey I shrunk the rangers
Rating: PG
A/N: I know I said two weeks, but apparently I have no patience when it comes to posting fics :) Chapter  titles are associated episodes - suggestions are very much welcome at this point. Many thanks to Blacktiger-550 for checking this one over for me.
Disclaimer: Wait...lemme check...nope...still don't own them! And as for profit *sigh* only in my dreams!

Closing the truck door and working on auto pilot as he hefted the last container of empty bottles, Carlos didn’t notice that the girl beside him had asked him a question until her laughter broke into his thoughts.

‘I’m sorry’ He admitted, embarrassed he’d been caught not paying attention ‘What did you say?’ Falling into step beside her as they approached the youth centre, he looked at the pretty blonde and a stray breeze caused a lock of dark hair to fall into his face. Shaking his head to clear it from his line of sight, Carlos only succeeded in shaking loose more of his mid-length tresses and finally gave up. He put down his load and pulled it back behind his ears, wishing he had remembered the band he kept in his pocket for days like this.

‘I asked if you’d given any thought to what I said the other day.’ Ashley repeated, mirth still playing about her lips.

The tan skinned youth avoided answering for a moment. He shifted the container against his hip so he could get the door to the juice bar, naturally holding it open to allow Ashley to pass through first.

‘I have.’ He replied guardedly as he stepped in after her.

‘And?’ Ashley slowed her pace to give him her attention.

‘He’s with someone else.’ He answered simply, not elaborating.

Carlos had seen the look that had passed between Adam and Tommy that morning as their groups had parted for the big cleanup project and he was convinced that there was something going on between them. The youth had noticed before how much time Adam spent with the tall handsome man, the admiration in his eyes; and he wished just once that that look were for him. It had been Adam’s eyes that had captured him the first time they had met; hazel eyes a shade lighter than his own, picked out in the left eye with flecks of gold. It was supposed to be lucky, he’d heard in the locker rooms once; and the new coach had certainly proved his luck to the team since his appointment, with three straight wins to start the season.

Frowning at her loaded container, Ashley considered this a moment. She had been quite sure Adam was single. ‘Do you know who he’s seeing?’ She asked, fishing for more information.

‘Tommy. They spend all their time together, and did you see them in the park this morning?’

Ashley couldn’t hide her relieved laugh. At the reproachful look she received, she hurried to explain. ‘I don’t think he’s interested in Adam, Carlos! I have it on good authority that Tommy is seeing that Katherine-girl pretty exclusively. He and Adam are just good friends.’ Smiling triumphantly at the expression of surprise on her friend’s face, Ashley almost walked into lieutenant Stone, who was pacing beside the juice bar. On seeing the pair, the lieutenant paused and with an irritated glance around him asked if they had seen the two chimpanzees that he had recently taken custody of.

After exchanging a look with her companion, Ashley replied ‘Um, no. I thought they were with you.’

‘I thought I saw them around here somewhere.’ shifting the weight of the container he was carrying, Carlos scanned the youth centre as if he expected the wayward apes to materialise at that moment.

Grimacing in anticipation of whatever the mischievous chimps had gotten into this time, Lt. Stone headed out to search for his charges commenting :‘You know, it’s like trying to keep track of a couple’ a offence of course!

Laughing, the pair carried over their containers to the collection station. They knew the chimps would show up sooner or later, no doubt doing something they shouldn’t be.

‘So, there’s nothing to stop you from telling him, right?’ Ashley persisted

‘I don’t think he’d be interested.’ Carlos said, as he turned to one of the sorting stations and began carefully separating green bottles from the pile.

Not about to let it slide, she tried one more time.

‘He leaves for collage soon. And then you’ll have nothing but what ifs.’ She placed her hand on his shoulder and pulled him around to face her. Lowering her tone to impress upon him the importance of what she was saying, she met the dark eyes and told him ‘Don’t let him go without telling him how you feel"

Next Chapter

A list of my PR fanfiction, T rated or lower, can be found here

always, adam/carlos, carlos, fic

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