Rec Post - Power Rangers/ Sentai/ Voyager

Jan 31, 2015 15:47

I've read some awesome fics in these fandoms and I'm sure there are many more to come, so this post shall be a constant work in progress. They are catorized by series first and then by pairing where appropriate. Those that have no specified series or span more than one are in a category at the end. Shorthand used in this post is:

(inc) incomplete
(name/name) pairing
(name&name) involving named chars w/out romantic intentions

I've tried my best to make this user-friendly, but if you think a fic here is miscatergorised please do let me know.

  • lilyleia78 's Better Safe Than Sorry - (Tommy/Adam with Tommy&Jason)(G) Jason's home for the first time since Tommy started seeing Adam, and his big brother act is in full swing. Now with a sequal Safety First. I could squee so hard over this here, but I can't do it justice - just do yourself a favour and go read and enjoy!
  • ShoujoKakumeiJchan 's I was a Teenage Ninja (Adam/Chad ending Adam/Rocky)(T/PG-13) Before Rocky, Adam and Aisha become Rangers, they're Wind Ninja Academy students. I love the clever and enjoyable placement of the trio at the Wind Ninja academy and the pre-season dynamic established here. Well worth a read!

    • Romula Linders' Word Vomit (Adam/Rocky)(T / PG-13)One night at a club Adam accidentally lets his mouth run away with him - Pining Adam at his most adorable! 
    • BleuWolf's Dark Blue Return (Adam/Billy) (inc.)(M /16)The rangers learn a hard lesson about betrayal when Billy gets his hands on one of the dark zeo crystal shards.  I love the insightful characterisation and suspense 
    • Be A Warrior Casseau's In His Eyes (Tommy/Jason, includes Adam/Carlos)(inc)(M /16)Nightmares are plaguing Jason when he receives news of a near-tragedy. Can he reveal his true feelings after nearly losing the one he loves? Will his 'bro' be the same after the accident and could he ever return Jason's feelings?I love the emotional connection established between Tommy and Jason in this fic and the excellent observations of team interactions and dynamics.

    • Tsukino Akume's Fade to Darkness: Darkness Calling (T) Multi team with particular attention to former Turbo rangers. When the last person anyone expected is turned to the side of evil, Earth's Rangers find themselves caught up in an intergalactic war. One thing is for certain: victory will come at a high price.  Includes well crafted ranger philosophies and insightful characterisation. A fantastic 'what-if' story. A word of warning though - it gets dark!

    • rivulet027's Sleeping Better with You (Andros/Carlos)(PG-15)Carlos puts an exhausted Andros to bed.   rivulet027has beautifully expressed the chemistry between these two. I love her use of language to create intimacy and her characterisation is superb.
    • Walutahanga's The Role of a Ranger (Carlos&Andros with hints of Carlos/Andros)(Rated M to be on the safe side) (inc.)Carlos and Andros have a talk about his place on the team. Rated M to be on the safe side some strong language. Insightful as always, I love Walutahanga's exploration of colour theory in this fic - in particular what it means to be a black ranger.
    • britin 's Making Ripples(Carlos/Zhane)(PG) I can't mention Carlos without talking about Brit's awesome fic - and you can see why.  She gives such a wonderful vision of the astro ranger in this intimate little interlude, demonstrating both her clear and brilliant understanding of the character and her beautiful way with words. 

    • rivulet027's Right Where I Belong (Adam/Dustin)(inc.)(PG-15) A drunken night together leads to something more for both Adam and Dustin. I like how 
      rivulet027 has shown the development of their relationship and in particular how she has portrayed their supportive network of friends. 
    • Froggie Lover's Climbing The Walls (Shane/Hunter)(M / 16) A potentially volatile relationship may turn out to be rather harmonious...most of the time.  A wonderfully atmospheric fic with great characterisation - I just love the use of slow building chemistry for maximum impact here.
    • hagar_972's Two Sides of Midnight (Shane/Hunter)(T) Nighttime: time for things too tender for the daylight. Nighttime: when nightmares come out to play; and Constellations (T)(inc.) NS season re-write including Shane/Hunter.  What can I say, except: I'm a huge fan of this gal's amazingly insighful characterisation & her gift of crafting fic on a grand scale - these are just my faves, her whole fic list is full of win!

    • arytra's Broken Hearts and Ever Afters (Trent/Conner)(PG) When Conner suffers heartache, it's up to Trent to pick up the pieces - with some surprising results.  I love this sweet and eloquent fic that through well crafted characterisation shows what makes a true relationship.
    • lilyleia78's Storm Watching (G) Bridge tracks a storm through SPD. I adore her wonderfully insightful use of power in this fic.

    • megthelegend's Alpha Males (PG-13) Dillon needs someone he can trust, and he sure as hell isn't about to ask Scott.  Meg's trademark wit, insightful characterisation and portrayal of dynamic make this fic so full of win, it's a must read!

    • TricksterWolf's The Falcon and The Frog (Adam/Tommy)(T) and it's sequal The Falcon and the Frog II (T)
    • Dagmar Buse's More than Friends and Brothers (Tommy/Jason)(M)(inc.)Dr. Tommy Oliver is depressed and feeling down. Can a startling revelation from his best friend help uplift him and how will it change both men's lives? Dagmar has an amazing gift as a writer (she could probably write the local weather report and still manage to create perfect slash fiction from it) I love how she portrays the development of their relationship through all the highs and lows, never loosing sight of that deep intimate connection between them. I really do believe that every PR slash fan should read this fic at some point - it's a true classic!

    • hagar_972's Project: Aftermath (T) Eleven short stories and a novella dealing with civilian life in the Aftermath of being a Ranger.  Insightful as always.  The novella in particular is breathtaking in it's scope.
    • wild_force71 's NaNo novel Joy to be claimed is a JF/Heroes/SG crossover with all the trimmings. I've been hooked since the first chapter by her well maintained pace, superbly crafted action and ingenious plot.

    • megthelegend 's Close Harmony(G)(Shirogane/Hayate) Gaoranger/Gingaman.  Shirogane. Music. Woods. Echoes, or something else? I've said it time and again, and it still holds true: I just love the emotive depth that goes into all Meg's fics.  With this one in particular, the premise is so simple that it immediately draws attention to the beautiful intricacies of introspective characterization. Haunting.
      And I love the emotional content of her AU fic  Going Home (GaoYellow/GaoGreen)
    • scifisentai 's Family History 101 for uss_skyisland (Kai/Soutarou)(G) the third in a series begining with Silent Minds (PG) and directly following Next Steps (PG) A Sentai/ 'Trek fusion; I love her wonderfully crafted characterisation and the relationship dynamic she's creating between Soutarou and Kai.


recs, link(s) to fic(s)

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