Carlos Valertes is Love

Dec 04, 2008 17:41

These are some thoughts on a character I feel is much neglected, both in cannon and fanfiction.  I am writing with a veiw to writing slash fanfiction, and so I have included thoughts on pairings below. Because these are my reflections on the character, they may not follow any specific structure, but I would like to share them with you.

What disappoints me is that there was so little script for Carlos, that his most notable quotes include ‘Hold it right there’ and ‘I think maybe we’re a little bit homesick’ (both PRIS:  Countdown to Destruction, part 2)

Over the course of Turbo, Carlos has undergone a very marked personality change from driven extrovert soccer star to rational grounded individual, which some might say is another argument in the favour of indecisive characterization color theory.  I have a strong interest in ranger colour theory (can you tell?) and have recently discovered The Role of a Ranger by walutahanger which features Carlos and Andros. Not necessarily slash (unless you’ve got the goggles on *little nod to lilyleia78*) but neither is it specifically het; definitely worth a look, especially if you enjoy team dynamics and color theory.

I do agree with Carlos’ transition to black ranger having a role in his changing character, but also believe that the change may be due to the weight of responsibility; Carlos is portrayed as a compassionate individual who would clearly take his duties very seriously. Other possible reasons (and remember this is subjective) include: the effect of developing hierarchy within the team(especially thinking of the effect of this on a formerly outspoken Carlos), a previously-unmentioned significant other (for this, I like to consider the impact of an Adam/Carlos interlude), possibly even his home life. The limited amount of character building afforded Carlos leaves a vast scope of potential avenues for fan fiction writers to play with.

Carlos is to my point of view a guardian of the group’s emotional well-being, shown on a number of occasions to sense turmoil within a character and either confront them or take action on their behalf.  In dealing with his own turmoil though, Carlos will make it known he is unhappy but will not easily allow others to help him, being more inclined to brood over his personal difficulties.

I shall possibly add more thoughts about Carlos to my journal as they occur, since characterization (especially of this character) is becoming increasingly of interest to me.

These are some pairings I’ve thought about with regards to this character. Basically, these are the most logical slash pairings according to cannon.


I’ve already written about the Carlos/Adam dynamic in Adam Park is Love - but I’m including it here because I believe that Adam is one of the most logical slash pairings for this very neglected character.  I believe there was a degree of depth to Carlos not explored fully in the series which Adam, as a character who is particularly sensitive to other's needs, would pick up on.  Perhaps because there is no direct connection between their sphere of friends, Adam and Carlos are able to see a side to each other that their close friends, by reason of their proximity, can't see.


The dynamic between Andros and Carlos is interesting for me, because it is set in a series which brought more upheaval into the characters’ lives than previously, including their relocation into space and the emotional tension of lost relatives. I see this pairing as one based on companionship and also the need for stability (perhaps more so on Andros’ side of the relationship) Carlos’ grounding influence can be seen to soothe Andros’ frequently troubled spirit (particularly noticeable in ‘Never Stop Searching’) and this is also a point where Carlos’ staunch loyalty shows through.  To my point of view also Carlos, whilst still maintaining some sense of fun, becomes more serious in Space and I believe Andros’ mischievous SOH influences Carlos to lighten up.  In terms of on screen chemistry, the scene that most comes to mind is the last few moments of ‘Never Stop Searching’.  This whole episode to me is essentially an Andros/Carlos episode, but the last few moments especially establish a connection between the pair.

There’s a limited quantity of Carlos slashfic available, but this pairing is far from lacking in quality representation.  I love rivulet027’s Sleeping Better with You for its emotional content and characterization.


Okay, so this one isn’t the most logical pairing, but I found it on rivulet027's meme a while back and I was intrigued by the idea. Since these are just my thoughts, it’s going in.

Rocky is most notable for his boyant personality - always ready with a joke to lighten the mood. I believe in the early days, when Carlos first recieves his power or possibly before, the younger boy's more outgoing, active nature would benefit from having someone who is able to keep up with him.  Rocky channeled a lot of energy into active sports, but also had a more relaxed attitude which may have had a calming effect on the other boy.  During the space series, when Carlos' character becomes more serious, Rocky's cheerfulness would encourage Carlos to relax.  Both characters are portaryed as dependable, able to come through for their friends when they are needed.  This would develop strong bonds between the pair during Rocky's recovery from his pre-Turbo accident and during Carlos' frequent personal difficulties in Space.
Another noteworthy feature of this pairing is their shared desire to challenge themselves.  Rocky attempted to teach a chemistry class, took a computer science course and a botany class whilst Carlos displays a marked interest in the mechanics of the megaship.
I see this pairing as one based on similarities, although this would be more in the Turbo series than Space.  These are just my initial thoughts on this pairing, and may develop further.

I would love to hear other opinions on this character, or these pairings, and would welcome any further thoughts on pairings/stories I may have missed. In conclusion I would like to encourage any fellow writer who has patiently read through this entry to consider including this character in a future fic.
      Carlos is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

carlos/rocky, recs, carlos/andros, pairings, character-muses, writing, adam/carlos, carlos

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