firecaster and I have talking about it almost too much lately... but seriously, how can I think of much else when it's this annoying?! This bug, whatever it is, simply will not go AWAY!
It's possible I've dealt a lethal blow to the ear infection, but I've still got a nagging cough that won't go away. If I do nothing for more than a few days, it gets considerably worse... but regular medicines don't seem to kill it, just weaken it. I've bought some special mouthwash I intend to use tonight; maybe that'll do the trick. Maybe not.
I'm both concerned and partly relieved to learn, however, that we're not the only ones. Apparently one of my other co-workers not only has been suffering the same cold for the last few weeks, but also had the same nasty illness we had back in the winter. While I'm relieved it's not localized to just me and Cas, though, I'm now a bit more worried about just what sort of plague this IS...