For once in this holiday season, I didn't do completely nothing. Yes, my lack of motivation isn't helping much, but let's hope this week will bring forth something interesting. Right now, I'm freezing in this place called home. I'm curled up, and I could do with some hot chocolate or honey right now, but it's so late and chances are I might wake someone up. It's -24ºC outside at the moment, and I'm glad to be under a roof at the moment.
Saturday afternoon, I got to see the musical Mamma Mia. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to like it - first of all, I don't care for ABBA and second, the plot seemed lame, IMHO:
Writer Catherine Johnson's sunny, funny tale unfolds on a tiny Greek island. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter's quest to discover the identity of her father brings 3 men from her mother's past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago.
- from the official
Mamma Mia website
Despite my preconceptions, I did enjoy the musical, even if it was a bit cheesy. It was fun and funny... what can I say? It usually does take a lot to please me, and I was happy. But then again, I've liked every musical that I have seen.
Honestly, I didn't think I was even going to go. It was a last minute plan since I thought my family and I were going to an evening show as opposed to a matinée, but luckily, things turned out for the best. At the party, there was a mix of Dan's friends from high school and rez people (Janice,
Danny and
Sally). We ate dinner at Kelsey's (Keele and Steeles). I had a butternut squash soup, which I must say is one of the greatest soups EVER. Dan got a lava cake or some equally awesome dessert food. People sang happy birthday, and Dan was happy. =)
After dinner, we went bowling in Richmond Hill at some alley called World Bowl. Since it was a Saturday night, the alley was very busy - in fact it was completely full at the time - and we wound up in the tiny arcade of the bowling alley. Some of us (not me, since I suck badly) played some DDR and did horribly since the arrow step thingies weren't working properly. Finally, we got our two bowling lanes... and needless to say, I played a HORRIBLE game. Mind you, I suck at bowling. Usually I get between 50 and 60, but last night, my score was... 23. That's my lowest score EVER. If I am correct, that's 17 gutter balls in one game - a new low for me. Ouch. Nevertheless, it was a fun time.
This past evening, my parents and I had dinner at my dad's best friend's house. Lots of people there, and I enjoyed it despite me being cold. Turkey, stuffing, veggies, mashed potatoes, yams! It seems more Thanksgivingish, but meh. I got a $20 gift certificate to HMV... now my question is, can somebody recommend a CD or DVD to use it on? I'm thinking Joy Division, but if anyone has any super awesome suggestions, I'm all ears to hear them.
UPDATE: The psycho musical mug didn't wake me up this morning. Needless to say, it was moved to my desk. I'm wondering if the sun had heated up the batteries to make it play before, but even with that said, it was not even close to the window. As well, it's so cold outside - if it were to heat up the mug, shouldn't have that happened earlier... as in the summer or fall? I'm not complaining either way - it is after all shutting up when it is supposed to.
Josh, aka Mr. Smileypants got an lj account! Whee!
All right, that's my pointless entry of the day. I will start Christmas shopping tomorrow... hopefully. I HATE WINTER.