Ox year for Dogs

Jan 28, 2009 10:43

Your sign is Dog.

Although Dogs and Oxen are far from bosom buddies, you each get on just fine as long as you stay out of each other’s way. In other words Doggie, keep your revolutionary ideals to yourself and don’t attempt to effect any political unrest this year. Your chances for personal success won't be foiled by the Ox’s influence. He is neither your enemy nor your rival. But, if an Ox person were to overthrow a government, he or she would simply take over by military force and set himself up as dictator. Hence, Oxen deem your enthusiasm for gentle reform to be naive and childish. The Ox is He (and She) who must be obeyed. Nobody crosses a determined Ox person and lives to tell the tale. So whatever plans you had for changing the world by peaceful, democratic means must be set aside till next year. Meanwhile, your family situation becomes miles clearer in the Ox year. Those members who were thinking treasonous thoughts have been discouraged from wreaking disaster on family harmony. And love re-enters the picture too. True, cozy, sweet lasting love will show up toward the end of this year in an interesting disguise. A blah workmate or an old school acquaintance turns up in some odd venue when you least expect it. Welcome this unexpected charmer into your life. You will have earned it.

As the year meanders forward, you may find yourself at loose ends. As you daren't raise your head or growl or bare your teeth in this heavy duty Ox year, you will spend the first part of the year muzzle to grindstone at your job. But toward June, things should lighten up at work and leisure time become a reality. Why not take up golf or tennis? Or perhaps you'd rather go surfing or conquer an unsuspecting mountain in some exotic land. Whatever you do, please make certain you don't do it with narrow-minded people who try to convince you of the integrity of the stock market or who maintain that we all came from Adam and Eve's Garden wearing only fig leaves. Your brand of progress is about what's good for all and not just what's good for the fat cats. As for religious fanaticism, Dogs deplore its very existence.

After September, you may notice some digestive discomfort. The source of this ailment is probably excess acidity caused by stress. Rather than popping a handful of chalky medicines every four hours, why not try acupuncture? You are disquiet by nature and rapidly fearful about elements in your life which are out of your control. You may simply be afraid of losing ground in your business life or worried about the health of an older parent. Yoga and tai chi are also recommended.

By late November, a hot new romance appears in an a weird disguise. This event alone will help eradicate your stomach's ills. Let things
evolve slowly. This could be the love of your life. Or it might be a total bust. Make no commitments till the Dog-loving Tiger Year 2010.
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