Apr 18, 2004 12:29
I just remembered stuff from last night, so I'm gonna make this a rant about my sisters. Cathy called last night, and was talking to me about boyfriends for quite some time.
Okay, just to remind the people who may forgotten, and to inform the people who do not already know. Cathy is 29 years old. She has been dating her new boyfriend for a month and a half now. But her boyfriend as it turns out....is 17 years old. To further matters, he was born in the same year as me.
Ugh..I think there's enough said there. Cathy is crazy. I was talking to my mother about that last night, and why the whole 'cradle snatching' thing is a double standard. She said it's because we expect the boy to be older, and that women supposedly mature faster, and so they're attracted to someone more mature. Still, if this holds true that we're attracted to someone of equal maturity, then it proves a point about Cathy I've beeen trying to make for several years.
*sighs* On the upside, she DOES seem to like him quite a lot, so as long as it works for them...
Helen as far as I know is the same as always. I can tell because when Cathy told her about her new boyfriend the first and only question Helen asked was 'Is he a Christian?'.
I don't think Diana knows yet, but the whole 'her being in Thailand' thing might have something to do with that. Maybe I'll email her. It's currently around new year in Thailand, and everyone has a massive water fight in the street. I thought it sounded quite fun.
Bleh...Yurika's making breakfast...she wanted me to make it again, and I made her do it. Mum's off doing something else...but very soon I will have her in front of the playstation learning how to play FFVIII. Hopefully she'll stay awake this time.
Anyone wanna go ice skating tommorrow?