I missed the orgy for communiquills. So I had to check out your icons. I laughed out loud, delighted, when I saw that it was Faith. And I had to let you know.
Hee! Thank you! It was pre_raphaelite1's wonderful idea to use Eliza. ^___^ It really is a shame you had to miss it - the genderswap thing was a lot more fun than I'd thought it would be. *goes to check what the next theme is*
The gender swap was my idea, too, because both my characters are female, but most of my fic is m/mslash, and I wanted in on the action. But, well, family holidays. When I read that the date was moved my first thought was, "but if I don't leave until the tenth I only get four days holiday." Far too far gone, am I. There was no way I was explaining that to anyone.
I didn't actually. I found both my Hermione and Sanara icons on gettyimages and was just planning on back to search for guys who looked kind of similar.
But, well, family holidays. When I read that the date was moved my first thought was, "but if I don't leave until the tenth I only get four days holiday."
Far too far gone, am I. There was no way I was explaining that to anyone.
*giggles* I don't blame you for not wanting to explain...
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