The Last Sunday of the Church Year - St. Matthew 25:1-13

Nov 24, 2013 12:55

Grace to you and Peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus.

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.”
This is your word heavenly Father, Sanctify us in the truth; your word is truth. Amen.

Fellow Redeemed: Here we are. This is the last Sunday of the Church Year. Here, in a sense, are the final thoughts the Church wants to leave ringing in your ears, to ponder in your heart and mind. So we have every year on this Sunday the parable of the Ten Virgins. There are layers to this parable, and interesting cultural cues but let’s get down to what’s vital. At the heart of this parable you’ve got to ask: What is this oil? Where is this oil; and, how do you get it?

What is this oil? Jesus here teaches us how we are to read this Scripture, telling us that the “kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins with lamps who went out to meet the bridegroom.” He is making a comparison. We aren’t talking about a literal thing, but a story in which the major bits represent or are likened to the kingdom. That doesn’t mean that we are set free to let our imaginations run wild, but is an invitation to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. When our Lord, and the Holy Apostles speak to us in this way it is not in a vacuum, but in the context of the rest of the Bible.

So to what has oil been compared? Before that, we must admit that olive oil is rather special stuff in God’s Word, as it is used in setting things and people apart to be declared holy unto God. It is used in many of the Temple sacrifices, it is commonly used for food, for light, for cleansing, and in healing ointments and medicines, and of course the words ‘Messiah’ and ‘Christ’ mean ‘anointed one’- literally, the one over whom scented olive oil has been poured as set apart to God for the sake of His people. The association with God’s blessing His people is clear. And our Fathers in the Faith down through the centuries have not hesitated to associate oil, especially in our text, as being a symbol of God being present for your good and blessing.

The oil is likened then to God being present for your good and blessing. Consider the ways oil is commonly used in the Scriptures: in sacrifice, cleansing, nourishing, and healing. All ten virgins knew about this oil. Five wisely had it, five foolishly lacked it. These ten are all virgins. They all wore the garments which indicated this purity. And haven’t all Christians been made to put on Christ, the Garment of purity and righteousness in Holy Baptism? The ten virgins are the whole of the Baptized. But some have the oil for their lamps, others don’t. What is Jesus telling us? Consider all those you know who have been baptized into Christ. Have they all wisely remained steadfastly in the Faith? Or have many, sadly, against better knowledge, wandered away? Jesus didn’t call them ignorant, He called them foolish virgins, those five. For they knew what they once had received. All who are baptized are given the Gift of God’s forgiveness, life, and salvation for the sake of Jesus, who loves you so that He gave Himself into suffering and death to win you back from eternal death and sin.

Would you be wise? Then seek while you may the oil you need daily for your light and life! The foolish virgins in the end wanted what the wise already had obtained. And the wise pointed them to the place where such oil of gladness is to be bought. They echo Isaiah’s exuberant prophecy:
“Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
And you who have no money,
Come, buy and eat.
Yes, come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without price.
Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.
Incline your ear, and come to Me.
Hear, and your soul shall live;
And I will make an everlasting testament with you-
The sure mercies of David.”
You are the Lord’s and you have been washed into His garment of righteousness. Now come and buy without money and without price! The message is clear- the wise return regularly to their Baptism to be cleansed anew in repentance and contrition, they seek out the place where they may be nourished regularly for what truly satisfies with great abundance, that which hearing causes you to revive and live. What is this place to which the wise virgins direct the foolish? To the Church, which is the regular assembly around the giving of His Gifts, the holy Means of Grace. Here is the nourishing, healing, restoring Gift of God for your good- the declaration of the Word of the Lord, and the cleansing waters of Baptism, and the ongoing, eternal feast of His Body and Blood for you.

Where is this oil the virgins need at the Bridegrooms coming? Where is the forgiveness, life, and salvation God gives us for our blessing and good? It is here, in His Word and Sacraments.

Dear one, Jesus is urging you and your loving and best Friend, your Creator, your Brother, your Redeemer, who already has cleansed you, do not neglect what you have received. Jesus here speaks to His holy Baptized. Do not wander from where He comes to you for your good and your blessing. And dear one, if you have wandered, if you have in despair neglected the things that make for your salvation, if you have wandered away to chase after some fancy, some novelty, some thing fascinating in the moment, Jesus calls out to you, near or far, while the light yet shines, before the night comes when it will be too late, return now! Come anew to the assembly of your salvation, where once you have received the cleansing of the Water and the Word. And to which the Holy Spirit has tugged your heart to return, no matter how long you’ve been away. Come, hear the glad story of your life and salvation. Come, be renewed in the cleansing Baptismal flood in confession and absolution from your sin free and full and new. Come, eat and drink this rich feast of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who has already had, still in this moment has, mercy upon you.

Jesus cries down the ages to you, join with the virgins wise, who regularly gather to be replenished, to be healed and made whole and ever ready for the Coming Day of His joyous returning.

And having received, now trim and light your lamps against the darkness of a world yet lost and dying. That those may yet see the light of their salvation, and you may yet rejoice with many in your neighbor’s salvation too- who may long have been foolish, but would yet be wise; the beloved children of God. And we may all with joy and singing come into the festal wedding hall for that new day which is about to dawn, which shall never, ever end.

Jesus is for you. Do not delay. Come. His salvation is for you. Do not neglect the things which make for your life and your healing, and your joy forever.

The Peace of God which passes all understanding now guard over your heart and mind through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
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