Read-along Harry Potter (part 6)

Aug 01, 2007 20:37

I've done all my chores, all ready for bed and prepared for the morning ... just time to write up a couple more chapters before Heroes at 9pm! :)

Chapter 25

Sunday 22/07/2007 17:20. Ah ... i see what was going on. Voldemort and Harry both wanted the wand but Harry chose to let Voldemort get it. This whole book has been showing the race between Voldemort and Harry to find out the secrets and trace the Elder Wand. But does Voldemort know of the other two Hallows?

17:30. I've just had a possible idea. The goblin-made tiara? Would Griphook accept that as payment? Probably not as special as Gryffindor's sword, but still ...

Oh dear. Instead they try a sly trick. I have a feeling Griphook is going to turn on them as soon as they leave the vault. Perhaps that's the scene on the book cover.

17:35. Oooh! Griphook is interested in the tiara!

17:40. Awww! After all the deaths in the book, it's nice to have a new birth! Congratulations, Remus and Tonks, and hello, baby Ted! Yay! Harry will be the godfather! They think Teddy's going to be a metamorphagus! Wouldn't that be cool!

17:45. Bill Weasley has just confirmed the very bad feeling i have about this bargain with Griphook.

Chapter 26

Sunday 22/07/2007 17:50. It's just occurred to me that Lucius, Draco and Bellatrix have all lost their wands now.

17:55. Harry, when asked how Ron looks: "Well, he's not my type, but he'll do." - haha!

18:00. Hmm. A real Death Eater hanging around when they are about to break into Gringotts? Can't be good. And if the Invisibility Cloak slips, Harry is dead.

I love this connection to Book 1 - Diagon Alley and Gringotts. I think i've just realised why they need Griphook - to trace a finger down the door and let them in. But do they even know what they're loking for once they get inside? And will Travers mess everything up? Nah - Hermione can give Travers the slip, i am sure.

18:05. Tut tut, Harry, an illegal curse now. I never thought you had it in you!

18:15. Genius! They've found the cup!

18:20. Okay, so this is the scene from the cover, but Harry should be holding the Hufflepuff Cup on the cover.

18:25. Hurrah! The escape from Gringotts was on a dragon, just as some had theorised. The dragon was not Norberta, was not an Animagus form of Draco, and they are not in New Zealand ... at least ... not at the moment. If this dragon is an Antipodean Opal-Eye, will it attempt to fly home?!

I love how Harry comes up with the most wacky crazy plans, and they just happen to work! Trust your instincts, Lupin said. They are good and nearly always right.

Chapter 27

Sunday 22/07/2007 18:30. Oh, of course! The dragon is almost blind! That's why the US Deluxe cover has milky eyes, which led us to believe it was an Opal-Eye. Everything is making sense. But what of those mountains?

18:35. Oh dear, yes, Voldemort is going to know that they're after the Horcruxes. Then Voldemort will realise that the diary has been destroyed, the locket, the ring and the cup gone. Did Harry manage to keep Gryffindor's sword? I think Griphook ended up with it.

18:40. Ah! Maybe Voldemort is about to accidentally reveal to Harry the exact identity and location of the other Horcruxes! That would be useful!

YES! There is something in the Chamber of Secrets! And yes, Nagini is a Horcrux!

Chapter 28

Sunday 22/07/2007 18:50. "Potter, in here, quick!" - is this going to be Aberforth Dumbledore to save the day?! Ah yes, they are in the Hog's Head! This is exciting!

That picture's description sounds like Luna ...

"I hope you haven't pressed your little Dark Marks" ... nice sense of humour, Aberforth! And you sound like a right proper good person, too. I suppose the big revelation is about to come for the Trio who haven't yet made the goat connection!

18:55. Oooh oooh oooh!! I've just worked something out! That shard of mirror! Sirius and James used it to communicate. Sirius gave James's one to Harry, and then the other one to Dumbledore (Albus or Aberforth, i don't know which). Either way, Aberforth has it now, and it wasn't Albus Dumbledore's eye but Aberforth's! I have to say i was wondering how come Harry was seeing Dumbledore not Sirius in the mirror. I bet i'm right - i just know it! And i think that picture might be Ariana.

19:00. Aha! Okay i was literally just a couple of lines before Harry! I thought it was going to be a more dramatic, shocking revelation ... but Harry is getting pretty smart these days!

Isn't this nice, that Dumbledore is still present, in Aberforth. "Though they may be said to die, yet their friendship and society are, in the best sense, ever present."

19:05. Oh right! Aberforth got the mirror from Mundungus! So something good came of that encounter! :)

At last someone is casting sense on to this ridiculous master plan that Albus set up for Harry. For most of this book i have been worried that JKR has been letting the kids plough on with the impossible, and - through ridiculously implausible circumstances - succeed! Maybe now Harry will realise that, just as the prophecy doesn't have to come true, Harry does not have to follow Dumbledore's dangerous plans.

19:10. Wow. I wasn't prepared to hear that the Order of the Phoenix have given up.

Heheheh, this is a very welcome twist ending. For once, someone willing to be honest and realistic about Albus Dumbledore. It makes me think Vernon Dursley's original pronouncement of Albus Dumbledore as a crackpot old fool might have been surprisingly accurate. Somehow i think Harry will still attept to plough on with the insanely difficult task, however. And maybe these Deathly Hallows might still prove to be useful.

19:30. Gosh ... what a tragic story about Ariana. I'm glad we're finally getting to hear the real story. I believe this one. Netiher Rita Skeeter, nor Eliphas Doge had the truth.

I just let out an audible *gasp* as we come to Dumbledore's torment in the cave. I have been longing to know what that was all about.

19:35. Oh at LAST! Neville Longbottom!! *big hugs*

harry potter

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