May 27, 2007 11:38
I am wondering what i shall do for the Deathly Hallows (aka Relics of Death, btw) release. I have ordered it from Amazon so the sensible thing to do would be to go to sleep as normal on Friday night and wake up as normal on Saturday morning and wait for it to arrive at my door. But hello? This is the last ever Harry Potter release and i think my excitement will be far too great for being sensible!! ;)
Many of the bookshops are opening at midnight in Winchester and i think it would be nice to go out just for the atmosphere! I was in Southampton at midnight for Order of the Phoenix, and it was just soooo excellent! All these people out for one thing, and none of us ashamed to say, "Hey, i'm a big raving Harry Potter fan!" ... loads of people were even in costume! It was so much fun! Even if i don't buy the book right then, it'll still be fun to be out with all the other fans!
Now i've just thought of an EVEN MORE EXCITING idea: JK Rowling will be at The Natural History Museum for book signings! I don't quite get how it works; i gather that 500 people from a prize draw get to attend a reading of part of the book, and they get a free copy. But it also sounds as if anyone can go and get their book signed - Ms. Rowling will be there until dawn, apparently, and you are given a specific time to arrive. I'd like to enter the draw, but i don't know if it would be practical to arrive at say 3am if that's when they tell me i can go. But if i win ... wow ... WOW!! That would just be unbelievable! Well it would be pretty great to actually go talk to Ms. Rowling and get a signed copy, although i'd probably have to pay the full £18.99 for the book, which i would then hide away in a special box and never read, because i'd read the Amazon one. And it would mean roaming the streets of London all night ... and being prone to spoilers from the people who immediately turn to the end of the book to see what happens. Oh, i don't know!
Maybe i should enter the draw and see what happens. If i win, i'll go, definitely! But if not, i'll just think about it and decide later.
Oh, wait, only 1,700 tickets are available, plus the 500 free book winners. So if i am successful, i pretty much have to go. So, should i apply? I don't know! Aaaahhhh!!
harry potter