Ziggy played guitar ...

Feb 11, 2013 13:31

Originally posted by mutha_hydra at Ziggy played guitar ...
Jamming good with Webb and Gilly ...

So Thursdays and Fridays have become music days for the Triffster* and I. We jam, we work on theory, we dream of buying and collecting more instruments. We are currently working on our set list for the just Triffy and Jo thing; as well as working on the Hardbitten Fleabottom Swingtime BandTM and the houseband for our residency at the Cabaret night.

The just Triffy and Jo thing seems to be taking on a life of it's own, in that we keep trying to write serious songs but end up making parodies of well known tunes, whilst subverting dodgy ideologies. Wow - how unfunny does that sound ... ??? Ok, pro exemplo, Hey Joe by Mr James Hendrix. Whilst Triffy plays awesome guitar, and after doing a few lines in the original spirit, the rest of the song is spent trying to convince the aforementioned Joe that sexual and romantic rejection are things that he is going to have to deal with through his life and murder is not justifiable because a woman makes an alternative choice in partner ... Yeah, still not sounding too jocular. Ah well, I guess that's why we do it through the medium of song.

Fleabottom shenanigans continue, it's not easy when the band are on two different islands, in school, college and work, with many other commitments but we are forging ahead. Sometimes I wish this project could move faster and I could just ride in on a dragon, eat a horses heart and have a bevvy of gigs lined up. Then I think of all the other commitments and deadlines we have and freak out in an overwhelmed state of overwhelmedness and think - hey, it's just fucking fine !

We have plans to go back to Spain to Celcius 232, and work with my favourite cunning linguist Diego Garcia Cruz, Cristina and the Mighty Pen brandishing anarchist publisher Alejo Cuervo ( his name is like Tequila ). I cannot wait to sing, play, record and fiesta with the Frikki Spanish fans in the gorgeous town of Aviles. I hope to see plenty of Euro and wider world fans there too - it really is a do worth being at from the beginning.

And finally, Ladies and Gentlespoons, I am pleased to announce the - as yet unnamed - Cabaret residency I have for this year. I will be hosting, fronting the houseband and doing solo performance at West London's newest ( and possibly queerest ) Caberet Night. The venue we have - the Drayton Hotel in Ealing, has a fabulous wood paneled bar downstairs, in which we shall have hostess/table seating, art exhibited and side shows to compliment a packed bill booked around our themes. We are playing with ideas/bookings that include, the Raj - steampunk India, Blitz night, Bohemia, Ripperesque London, 30's Speakeasy, 30's Berlin - the list goes on and suggestions are welcome :) As much as everything is still being made up in pre production - I will just leave you with this ...

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