
Jun 03, 2008 13:03

Comment and I'll list 7 interests from your profile in a reply. Then you do an entry about what they mean and why you are interested in them.

pago marille
Pago is an Austrian fruit juice manufacturer. Their high quality fruit juices are naturally viscous and really rich in taste. I like a lot of their juices. I even know some places where you can get their famous strawberry or peach juice here in Germany. But my favourite sort is "Marille" (apricot).

siaßer g'spritzter
"Süßer Gespritzter" - a mixture of white wine (not too sweet) with Almdudler (Austrian herbs lemonade)

lynni treekrem
Norwegian Singer. I especially love her re-interpretation of the old norwegian tale "Haugtussa". The music is peaceful and quiet - scarcely orchestrated and with an airy sound...

Austrian beer. The light and easy-to-drink type of beer.

lassie singers
Band from Berlin. I know them as three women, but wikipedia tells me that they had several guitarrists. They dissolved in 1998.
One of the Singers, Christiane Rösinger, is now in the band "Britta" and some months ago she published a book about the backgrounds of her lyrics ("Das schöne Leben")
The Lassie Singers were an important part of my youth and also my student time. My favourite songs are "Regen" (together with K. :-))) )and "Es ist so schade"

kazuyoshi funaki
He is a great japanese ski jumper and I like ski jumping. But I mainly have him on the list because this is also the title of a song by Christoph & Lollo. It was on their first "Schispringerlieder"-CD and describes a virtual Funaki
Er ist sorgsam frisiert er ist fromm und gepflegt
er hat nie masturbiert oder Unmut erregt
seine Schönheit ist umwerfend stolz ist sein Blick
niemand streitet mit ihm jeder findet ihn schick
There are many many versions of this song and I know some people who still work on new ones :-)

bare feet
I love walking barefoot. I always did and I still do. And I don't care about thorns or hot asphalt. (This is sometimes not the very best idea. It's not nice to have blisters from burns on your feet...)


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