(no subject)

Jul 08, 2007 09:04

Yesterday was a good day. It was full, up to the limit and I was dead afterwards. But It was a day with Silvio and it was a day in the sun and it was a day with other people and I was happy.

It started with training in the morning. A. was stupid, but S. (the guy I talked about weeks ago) was really really nice and we had fun.

I'm bad at starting and I'm bad at long jump, but I tried it again and again and just when I thought I'd have to give up, it got a bit better.

Then we went to Mainz, where Silvio had a competition. It was no good day for him: strong winds made it hard for everyone. I was tired and grouchy. I slept a bit, but didn't really feel better afterwards. Then we sat around for 2 hours and waited for the award ceremony. Nice chats with other athletes...
I crocheted a bit to get rid of all the boredom.

But then we went to Wiesbaden for a fair. And there we ate everything we could find (at least it felt like this): Curry-sausages (which I LOVE!!! - one of the really good things about Germany ;-)), chocolate-coated fruits, Pizza, Cotton Candy (I don't want much of it and I don't want it very often, but sometimes I NEED it) and mushrooms with garlic sauce.
AND: we had fun in the "Autodrom"
(Shit, mir fällt der piefkische Ausdruck dafür nicht ein, drum sagt mir das Wörterbuch auch keine vernünftigen Englischen Wörter dafür... -> dasda:

My favourite market stand was one with an uncountable number of herbs and teas. It smelled like Naschmarkt and I felt like at home :-))

We sat at the river for a while and enjoyed the warm evening. Hmmmmmmmmm :o)

I was really tired, when we left, but Silvio wanted to watch "Rhein in Flammen" (Rhine in flames). We went to a viewing points and saw 3 great fireworks, while I was close to falling asleep. I like the view from up there. I have to go there again at night some time and take some pictures :-)

now: off to emails and photos :-)

silvio, sports, competition, up, jahrmarkt, homesick, weekend, love, training

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