(no subject)

Nov 29, 2006 09:04

Today I woke up with a head full of mud. The aftereffects of a very sleepless weekend. grouchy. Couldn't get my eyes open and when I tried to move my body, I felt the results of yesterday's training (yay for sprint-endurance and... I started learning the _real_ shot-put-technique instead of my old simplified version *bounces happily*) I fell down the stairs, I told Silvio that he's an ass (because of the training) and I kept shouting at the radio to shut up.
Didn't need to take a shower, but still left 20 minutes later than usual. Traffic jams from Heidenfahrt till Frankfurt. more than 90 minutes.
And then I read a lj-entry about how very very stupid some people can be. Made me laugh. Feeling much better. thanks, zorn :o)

sprint, sports, work, driving, shot-put, training

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