Черчилль про Гитлера в 1938

Jun 29, 2015 14:32


в переписке Черчилль был намного откровеннее:
"I am sure that the crossing of the Czechoslovak frontier by German armies or aircraft in force will bring about a renewal(!!!) of world war"

Churchill wrote the following letter, at the insistence of the German General Staff, to von Kleist, which arrived before the announcement of Chamberlain's visit: "My dear Sir, "I have welcomed you here as one who is ready to run risks to preserve the peace of Europe and to achieve a lasting friendship between the British, French and German people for their mutal advantage.

"I am sure that the crossing of the Czechoslovak frontier by German armies or aircraft will bring about a renewal of world war. I am certain as I was at the end of July 1914 that England will march with France, and certainly the United States is now strongly anti-Nazi. It is difficult for the demo-cracies in advance and in cold blood to make precise decla-rations, but the spectacle of an armed attack by Germany upon a small neighbor and the bloody fighting that will follow will rouse the whole British Empire and compel the gravest decisions. "Do not, I pray you, be misled upon this point. Such a war once started, would be fought out like the last to the bitter end, and one must consider not what might happen in the first few months, but where we should all be at the end of the third or fourth year. It would be a great mistake to imagine

Гитлер, Черчилль, Великобритания, 1938, ВАЖНОЕ, Чехословакий, Л_У_Ч_Ш_Е_Е, На английском, Наглосаксы

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