ooc: application (mandalus)

May 19, 2012 10:39

Name: Mhairi
Personal Journal: uglytidings
Contact: email: eyelinerkisses[at]hotmail[dot]com||aim&plurk: deathwailart
Timezone: GMT

Current Characters:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad||givemenames||Assassin's Creed
Zevran Arainai||lovesleather||Dragon Age: Origins

Character Name: Vriska Serket
Character Journal: serket8itch
Canon: Homestuck
Canon Point: [S] Flip
Canon Building: Vriska Serket's Hive Vriska's Hive is the place she lived alone with her lusus, a giant spider that ate young trolls that Vriska killed via FLARP.  Vriska doesn't really like the place anymore but hey she designed it as a kid and it has lots of bad memories but it's still hers and so she'd take up residence and be able to look at how her life used to be before everything got kind of crazy.

History: Biography at MSPA wiki

It's easy to sum up Vriska in the words 'bluh bluh huge bitch' at a first glance and, really, even at a deeper glance because more often than not, that's what she is. It doesn't take much to bore her and once bored she can be prone to making shady deals and to doing horrible things to the friends she perceives as boring. This all comes before she slams herself for no one liking her or, even worse, no one hating her enough, despite the fact that after Eridan and Gamzee when he is off the sopor slime she is the most dangerous troll in the group. In her text it's very easy to see how Vriska feels as she has a tendency to the dramaaaaaaaatic (bordering on being a ham at times). Worth noting is that at no time does it occur to Vriska that she might be doing things wrong or that her bad luck is self-created - after she loses her eye and arm and her magic cue ball, she uses magic eight balls but breaks them and steps on them the same as dice but instead of cleaning them up, she still says that standing on them is just a sign of her bad luck. Her moods early on switch from bored through sadistic through remorseful and back again but in a conversation she has early on with Aradia, she really does spill her heart out a lot and in doing so stresses how she doesn't care for her blood colour and what the other trolls think of her.

On Alternia, there is a caste system based on the hemospectrum and Vriska with her blue (cerulean) blood is higher than most of the other trolls with Equius, Gamzee, Eridan and Feferi the only ones above her on it but Vriska doesn't care about her 'oh so envia8le cerulean SWILL' which means that she doesn't care overly much about her status unlike Eridan or Equius. She demonstrates this when she kills Tavros (a troll with one of the lowest blood castes out of the group who she still, at times, considered to be a friend) but still demonstrates remorse even though trolls are from a violent society and she shouldn't feel anything. She talks to John about this, revealing more of herself, most likely because John is a human and does not fully understand troll society.
"I killed him 8ecause at the time, I thought I wanted to, and sort of felt like I finally had to"
She also said that she felt 'horri8le' for killing him. The reason she cannot let the other trolls know this or she would be seen as weak. This shows that whilst Vriska may seem confident on the outside, assured of her place and tough, she isn't - she struggles to find where she belongs in the world. Part of this is no doubt down to her discovery of her ancestor Mindfang's journal, something that inspired her extreme roleplay persona (and her relationship with Eridan where they went hunting together, her for trolls to feed her lusus, him taking each lusus from the dead trolls for Feferi's lusus).

Vriska has a very real, very deep fear that she will be abandoned by her friends if they see that she does not fit the image of a blueblood - so while the trolls for the most part don't seem to care about the caste system, she embraces it (externally at least) because that is her role (or what she perceives to be her role) and what she thinks she is meant to be.

An important fact about Vriska is that while she fears being all alone in the end, while she might do what she can to help others become strong (and sometimes it can be hard for anyone else outside of Vriska to call it helping), Vriska doesn't know what she wants. She ends up helping others anyway, even when she's trying to put herself first. An example of this is when Jack Noir is about to kill John. Vriska tells John that he should sleep on his 'Quest Bed' where he is killed but as he is at the top of his echeladder meaning he ascends to the God Tier, becoming the third character at that point to do so - Vriska herself does, along with Aradia. Vriska employs dangerous methods, guides those she's helping into situations where their lives are at risk - this allows her to satisfy her sadism as well as helping to cover up her kinder nature.

Like all trolls, Vriska had a lusus, hers being a giant spider that she had to feed trolls to in order ot satisfy it - she got these trolls from live action roleplay sessions with Eridan. Vriska describes the relationship between herself and her 'spidermom' as testy but when rocks fell and left her lusus near dead, Vriska put her out of her misery rather than letting her struggle on. There's a strong arachnid connection for Vriska (also present in her ancestory Marquise Spinneret Mindfang), seen in how she types. In addition to using the same font colour as her blood colour, she replaces a 'b' and any 'ate' sounds (and when she is upset, it creeps in with other sounds). Her emoticons all have eight eyes eg :::;) As for an actual mannerism, there is a point where she traps Tavros in an actual web during a FLARP session.

Vriska is a character always trying to prove herself in the eyes of trolls (and to the readers as well) - she has not so long ago she flew off to fight the end boss alone because she believes she's the only one strong enough to do it. She tells John at an earlier point that she wants to protect her friends - the act being seen as both noble and bigheaded.

Whilst not strictly personality, her name and horns have a great deal to do with who Vriska is. Her sign is a Scorpio and her horns are shaped as a stinger and a claw. Her last name, Serket, the Egyptian Goddess that personifies the scorpion who is associated with bites and stings and also the cures for such things which demonstrates both sides of Vriska's nature; she's either seriously injuring a troll or helping them (or attempting to.) Vriska comes from Vrishchika which is Hindi for scorpion but it can also be linked to the Kalpavriksha, a wish-fulfilling tree below the fourth chakra according to Zentra Yoga. This another representation of Vriska's duality; the tree grants both negative and positive wishes. Going back to Scorpio again, in Norse mythology this represents Hel or Hela, a goddess of death and rebirth who is also known as the misunderstood goddess. Hel was responsible for the Norse version of hell, the place where souls that did not reach Valhalla went to. This shows more duality - the evil souls went to icy pits whilst the just were provided a safe haven until reincarnation. In terms of appearance, Hel had half her body alive, the other half dead: Vriska had a robotic left arm and robotic eye.

Imported Character History: None (threads linked in samples are simply for samples, nothing will be imported)

Vriska is able to steal the luck of others, changing an unfavourable (for her) situation to her advantage so that it's now unfavourable for her opponent.
She has something known as Vision Eightfold; one eye is normal but the other has seven pupils, affording her x-ray vision. She has been shown to use this ability once when reading the cue ball belonging to Doc Scratch. Although she lost this ability, she now has it back in the God Tier.
Vriska has the ability to also control the minds of those with a weaker will than herself.
In addition to mind control, she can read minds supposedly but this has not been successfully demonstrated beyond (reportedly) Consorts in the Land of Sand and Zephyr.  So for game purposes, she will not be mind reading anyone.  When Vriska mind controls someone though, she also controls their shiny ability (i.e. when she controlled Tavros, she controlled his ability to commune with animals.)

With her mind control, she has been shown controlling Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor (half of the time) and Karkat Vantas. Within the Incisiphere she has controlled Prospitians, Dersites and Consorts are also vulnerable but Aradia (including pre-death), Equius and Terezi are immune as well as humans with an exception in that she can wake them and put them to sleep when she wishes, having used this on Dave, Jade and John.

Being God Tier also renders Vriska more or less immortal unless the death is deemed to be heroic or just. After a completed session, God Tier players are to live on in the new universe as literal Gods.

Her strife specibus is Dicekind

→ SAMPLES; WARNINGS FOR OBNOXIOUS TROLL FONT!  (I have a screened permissions post for the game; also, troll text in a post will be under a cut with a transcript in standard small font beneath the cut!)
First Person Sample:
Here are some posts Vriska made at Il Promenade. And here are some threads she took part in

Here is a Q&A style sample from Somarium:
- If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
::::| Really?
No I wouldn't go 8ack to my home world and you know why?
It's all gone, okay, moving on, got lots of irons in my fires!

- If you were to describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?
8luh 8luh huge 8itch
8ut seriously I am the 8est, the nicest girl you could ever possi8ly meet
Don't 8elieve what any liars will s8y a8bout me 8ecause they are just fucking jealous of me
8ecause I am the 8est and the nicest and the strongest!!!!!!!!

- Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
Steal aaaaaaaall the luck
All of it
And then roll the dice
8ad 8r8k for them

- What disgusts you the most?
Weaky weaky weaksauce loooooooosers and fussyfangs meddlers and hipster glu88ing douche8ags
Karkat's girl movies :::;D

- There is a cake in the rain. What do you do?
Why would I care a8out some stupid cake in the rain?

- What were you doing before now?
8elieve it or noooooooot 8ut you 8etter 8elieve me 8ecause you will 8e incredi8ly rude if you don't
I was going to go save the day and kick some ass
8ut then this stupid 8lind slo88ery 8itch fucked it all up
8ecause noooooooo Vriska cannot do nice things
She gets sta88ed
In the 8ack

- Do you believe in the magic of friendship?
Waaaaaaaarn a girl 8efore you ask something that dum8 jegus

Third Person Sample:
She doesn't know what she wants. Sure, not the only troll not to know it but Terezi has the stupid legislacerator thing, stringing up dragons outside her respiteblock. Tavros, stupid stupid weak cowardly Tavros has Pupa Pan (flyyyyyyyy pupa flyyyyyyyy her mind says and she remembers making him, remembers throwing him off the cliff that night, the night so many things kickstarted.) Eridan (8luh 8luh 8luh idiot) wants Feferi. Other trolls want other things.

And what does she have?

Well, more than she once did. She thinks about the human boy, John. Thinks about a lot of things actually. She has her vision eightfold returned to her and she can see. She's so much stronger now, stronger than them all, fairy wings and pixie dust trail behind her and she was always so strong but now...she can do this. Heroic or just, advance or abscond.

She thinks about her ancestor a lot, about what she did, locks herself away with that diary in the same writing as her and she thinks about all the things that she used to be, caught in some big web she spun that she's just a little bit stuck to, beating wings fruitlessly to get away but she can't.

She hates it. Hate hate hates it. Easier back before all of this when it was her and her lusus, ugly great monster of a thing, playing at being Mindfang (trying to be something, trying to live up to what she thought - or is it still thinks? - she should be) with Eridan as his ancestor. Killing trolls and taking their guardians too, sating the great white beast.

Disgust and rage all coil up in her and she wants to help, wants to be...wants to be something, wants to be Vriska.

Oh? And what's Vriska?

Well that's still a sekret.

ooc: application

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