Just a few minutes after my last post, some pine trees tumbled over and took out the power. The day, already steely gray and dark, didn't allow much light for reading, playing, or anything, especially when five thirty came. For hours, I sat in the dark doing little. Listened to a shortwave radio, shuffled cards, and also wrote... but I'll get to that last bit in a second. Any time something like this happens, I am reminded of just how much I depend on this bloody computer. *hugs it possessively* Writing almost everything, reading quite a bit on here, communicating with absolutely every friend I've had, entertainment...
The power remained off until exactly nine o'clock, just when I was going to go to bed, bored out of my skull and anxious with the feeling that I was far too awake to sleep.
The good thing? Aside from the fact it is delicious to have the lights off and candles burning in their stead, and to read by the more natural light
Gothic Tales and
The Vampire Lestat... I managed to write a poem by the light of one oil lamp- a new experience that was rather satisfying. I finished the verse just before I planned to retire.
Remember the other night, when I said that story
The Knight was the easiest thing I'd ever written? I take that back. This poem was by far the quickest thing to come to completion in all my literary life. I'm already through the second draft, and the final version of it is only moments away, now that I have my computer up again- my own handwriting is laboriously slow and notoriously difficult to read.
As much as I love to read poetry, writing it has never been my forte, which may explain why everything seems so perfect right now.