Aug 06, 2008 22:19
Just a few sentences, though, containing nothing of importance.
I suppose the one thing that I want to get off my chest (even if I'm only confessing to myself), is how bad work is. Yesterday, a combination of unfortunate events collided, and after a morning spent being chewed out and defending myself against inaccurate accusations and petty rivalries, I was so stressed out that I couldn't eat. Had a few bites of a mandarin orange and was quickly nausated. However, I'm stuck there unless an event comes up that's bigger than myself...anything more urgent than a steady paycheck.
That feels somewhat better.
Thank the gods the day had one bright spot--a package in the mail from the person who remembered my birthday. ;-) Other than that and a small present from my mother, my 18th passed without comment.
Like I said earlier: a post of no importance. My recent days have been filled with work, studying ahead in the math and pathophysiology books for next semester, visiting my grandmother every few nights, and continuing to be stressed over the fact that I have almost no time left to read the pleasure books I checked out from the library over this mini-break.
The worse life gets, the more vivid my hair color gets. At least it seems that way. I finally found a stylist--organic! amazing! chic!--who is really to experiment with the brighter reds and oranges in the color palette. I've a hair appointment next Thursday night after work.
On the subject of "organic!" and "amazing!", I took an unprecendented route and decided to go as green and natural as I could. Even I, a junk food and bad living queen, am not quite sure what prompted this notion. But it feels rather good.
I think my subconscious is trying to prode me out of admittedly bad habits. :-) Taking energy and caffeine pills in the morning, downing them with frozen lattes and mochas, just to have enough energy to keep up at work even on a slow day...never sitting down to eat (unless you count eating while driving as a sit-down meal)...and being too stressed to go to sleep unless I take some other capsule. And those are the normal days. Factor in days like yesterday, when I couldn't eat but just kept stepping outside to smoke (an excellent appetite suppressant), and you've a great recipe for disaster in a few years or so.
(Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself along the way?)
But, I went to EarthFair Market on Monday and bought a week's worth of groceries for just under $30. Everything I've had so far has been very good food...even the Apple Flavoured Chicken Sausages. That errand was quickly followed by a dash into Asheville's main library, where I found two books so good I had to order used copies for myself online: Its Easy Being Green and The Energy Addict (appropriate?).