Another Weekend Aftermath Post!

Nov 11, 2007 21:32

The work week goes to slow & the weekends seem to fly on by. Not fair. I'm pretty sure my weekends are going to slow down eventually but I'm not seeing any indications as to when. I'm not sure I want them to either, lol. This if fun even if it does get stressful sometimes.

Friday, the costume photo shoot went off very well. Got photos of Amy in her werewolf costume with the adorable ears! Got photos of me painted up like a blueberry for the last time this year. I dropped the photos off Friday night while Amy & I was grocery shoppings. Then watched some anime that is doing a great job of causing Amy and I to yell at the TV.

Saturday = day of crazy fun!
Had Changling game in the early afternoon. I'm going to officially be Summer Court's Harold. Vale's become Spring Queen. I'm happy that Vale got Queen for Spring Court. That's going to be all kinds of awesome. There's suppose to be some kind of formal ball thing coming up that we all "need" formal attire for. Gonna do some thrift shopping with Amy & Vale Monday for that stuff.

After game, however, is where the really crazy stuff happened. Not wanting to spend the rest of the evening alone, I tagged along with Amy & Vale for Pizza & Pool with Adam & Steve. It was a lot of fun & it ended with way too much alcohol consumption for some. I leave out names for dignity protection purposes. But man do drunk people spend hours talking about the weirdest stuff. uncomfortable! But I believe that everything is now cool with Adam. He even invited everyone including me to be in a future tabletop roleplaying venture of his. Now I will have crazy adventures on occasional Sundays as well. cool.
I must also point out that I did not get to go to sleep until 5am. I haven't stayed out past like... 2am in a very long time. 5am was just crazy. But I'm happy to have regained a friendship that I was indeed missing.

So now were back at Sunday. Yeah... didn't do much today. Watched more anime & movies. Set up bill payments & made this post. I should work on my application to Rainbow Studios but I find myself unwilling to. Don't know what I'm so scared of there. I'll probably find myself working on it while home for thanksgiving though. Which I've got to get to swapmart this coming weekend & get those spiral shoelace things my grandmother wants.
Even with editing this post is way too long. I type too much.

party, roleplay, changling

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