Praising and heavier things......

Feb 11, 2004 18:20

sooooooooooooooooooooooooo ANYWAYS, i heard about this live journal thing, and....ill be honest, i was a little apprehensive! I thought, well will anyone be interested in what i have to say?! But then i realized i dont give a SHIT, so i said he what the fuck, why not?! So anyways, i was praising (jesu) and then i had a thought, why dont i learn how to play this Jimi Hendrix song, so i zipped my pants up, and picked up my guitar! Little did i know how good Hendrix was, so i learned Purple Haze, and it sounds cool. END of story! Or is it, while its the end of that story and onto another! I had a discussion with my friend phil about what a interplanetary war would be like (between Earth people and Mars colonists of course) and i asked him what side he would be on, and he said "Earth peoples!" And i was too afraid to tell that friend of mine, that NO i would not be on the side of the Earth peoples, i IN FACT, would side with the Mars colonists, not because they would win, mind you, but BECAUSE i respect the amount of balls it would take to stand up to the ALLLLLMIGHTY earth, and i also tend to side with their politics....although...hehe...they are a little TOO far to the left sometimes, even for my taste! Well anyways, cant wait to see your comments, as for me i have to go take a BIG p!
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