My dreams have been strange lately. Mostly involving people I barely knew in highschool and some kind of open highway. Last night I was a hitchhiker who couldn't pay my cab fair. I had one of those dreams where
all of my teeth fall out again too. In another dream I had a fantastic red dress and a boyfriend named Tod or Ted or Tom who never showed up to the party I was hosting.
I wanna know what all of this means.
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I've really been craving a good viewing of
Troop Beverly Hills ever since I learned Jenny Lewis was in it. She can do the frug, alright.
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I'm still sort of freaking out. I don't know if my issue is too much going on, or not enough.
It's hard to explain. I feel overwhelmed by how much I need to do in order to get back on track, but at the same time I feel trapped by how little else there is to do.
The word empty comes to mind.
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Just because I think it's neat:
this is connected to
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And because it can't be avoided:
Singles' Awareness Day Also:
Pictures recently posted on livejournal.