As a follow-up to the entry where I
talked about my ER visit... I had an ultrasound where it was revealed that my gallbladder is "packed" with
gallstones and consequently must be removed. Not sure when the surgery is going to happen, most likely during my February vacation. Hooray. They gave me some pain medication in the meantime because accoding to my doctor the pain is going to get much-much worse.
A few tidbits:
I got leave-in contacts which is nice since I forget my glasses at people's houses the second I start drinking.
I've felt like watching a scary movie for like 2 weeks now and have yet to find one to my liking. Suggestions?
I like that Modest Yahoo song, but I don't need to hear it every single time I turn on the radio. Thanks.
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the death of Jonathan Larson.