The Friday Five
1. How will you be ringing in the New Year?
Probably sobbing over a glass of some kind of alcohol with
2. How do you wish you were ringing in the New Year?
I'm pretty content with what I've got planned. I'd prefer to not be at odds with so many people so that maybe it would be a more well-attended evening, but what can you do?
3. Do you have any traditions that you observe on New Year's Day intended to bring you luck for the upcoming year?
None at all. It's just another day.
4. Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them?
Yes. And I try to.
5. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
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I wonder how much
250 pounds of silly putty would cost?
The Christian Film and Television Commision's
review of Brokeback Mountain only makes me want to see it more.