Dance Video, Katrina, Blog Day 2005

Aug 31, 2005 20:13

Don't worry livejournal, I'm not neglecting you any more than I am every other aspect of my life.

This'll be quick because there are things I want to do... like read and have dinner.

Remember that Fat Boy Slim video (I think) where those people danced to his song and it was freakishly popular? There's a video at that has better dancing (by the band members) and a better song. Watch it, it's right there on the main page.

Is anyone else starting to feel a little overwhelmed about this whole Katrina thing? On the news they were showing these people on their roofs with signs that read "PLEASE HELP UP" and I was wracked with guilt. Why haven't I donated money or blood (well, I can't donate blood due to my new tattoo, but still...) or time or something to help those people? I would want them to help me if I was stuck on my roof with no way out.

Though, I've been reading places that the media, as usually, is over media-izing the whole situation (I believe the term used was "hurricane porn"). So I wonder, is it as bad as I think it is? It must be if Bush cut his vacation short to deal with it (Is it just me or is he always on vacation?).


Today is Blog Day 2005. Or, 3l0g in geek speak. Apparently the whole point is to recommend blogs you read to other people and further expose people to the world of blog. So here goes:

Clicked: "My name is Will. This is what I clicked." Basically has the really interesting news stories of the day and some obscure stuff that you would never find on your own.

PostSecret: "See a Secret...Share a Secret" Homemade postcards sent in containing people's secrets. Updated every Sunday. Really addicting and sometimes really saddening. I check every Sunday religiously.

GirlSpoke: "This is no joke." A kind of Sex and the City in the written form. A cast of females write about the trials and tribulations of life, usually to do with dating, but also about work, parents, life. My newest read which is quickly gaining favoritism.

Go Fug Yourself "Fugly is the new pretty" A blog dedicated solely to celebrities who dress like idiots. A guilty pleasure. And the commentary, while sometimes long winded, is usually pretty funny.

And that's all I've got. Happy Blog Day.

news, blogs, music

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