
Feb 10, 2010 11:17

Even I can now admit that the amount of snow we are receiving, or bound to receive, is reaching ludicrous levels. Being snowed-in gives one a chance to think too much or, in my case, get caught up with everything school and company related so that I am positively bored. While a favourite of mine, another read through of "Lord of the Flies" has left ( Read more... )

snow, translations, books, work, tennis

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veiledagenda February 10 2010, 17:49:31 UTC
Bored can, indeed, be a horrible thing. It often instigates a great deal of trouble.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 17:53:24 UTC
Perhaps, if I were more willing to do things to cause trouble out of my bored state.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 17:55:55 UTC
I think you're a bit more willing to step outside your comfort zone than you admit to, Kunimitsu-sama.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 17:58:11 UTC
I cannot admit to being a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde sort though.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:01:52 UTC
No, I suppose not. However, I believe you have a fondness for games that was once thought nonexistent, and that is very interesting, indeed.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:05:53 UTC
Such is the nature of the beast awoken from a long hibernation. Occasionally, such games can strengthen one's self.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:10:24 UTC
It also makes of the beast a hypocrite, but, shh, I didn't tell you that secret. ^.~


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:13:49 UTC
Everyone, at multiple points in their life, will be considered a hypocrite. It is how one chooses to deal with the accusation that matters.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:21:56 UTC
Quite so. I do so hope you have fun with your foray into playing with people, my lord. I know I will enjoy my own game a great deal and if you ever need a pointer or two, do drop by. I'd be most willing to share a trick of the trade or three. ♥


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:24:19 UTC
It will make the business world a lot more interesting. Maybe. Thank you for the offer, nonetheless.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:26:01 UTC
A veritable playground that. I'm sure you won't become bored, unless your prey is just too weak to be a true challenge.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:27:33 UTC
If there is no challenge, I will not bother.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:29:39 UTC
If the challenge is your only motivation then you're not truly suited for playing the game, my lord.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:32:27 UTC
It is not a game I would wish to play often, Fuji. Only when necessary.


veiledagenda February 10 2010, 18:36:38 UTC
Now that is far more interesting than your recent venturing into my realm. I wonder just what was so important that it became a necessity for you to indulge in mind games you previously indicated such a dislike for.


seriousaura February 10 2010, 18:41:09 UTC
I admit amusement by your being interesting. Also thinking it is merely your realm when there are others that share your same... devotion to such things.

I wished to throw someone off a trail.


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