I'm probably going to end up doing an episode-by-episode meta analysis thing at some point, and since I inadvertently taped Big Time Sparks, and it's 3 AM, I'm starting with it. (Keep in mind, I haven't seen Big Time Dance yet because I'm lame.)
There's a lot of things I like about this episode, several things I love about it, and a few things I hate about it.
Jo appears multiple times in this one. Now, I have a lot of problems with Jo, and it isn't because her existence messes with my ships because c'mon, really, it doesn't. I hate the fact that Logan refers to her as a "potentially jealous girlfriend."
Honestly, she has nothing in common with Kendall. The few things mentioned are...dancing and tricking hotel managers? Can I get a WTF? There's just no chemistry as far as the eye can see. Also, she's significantly underdeveloped as a character, to the point of not appearing to have any actual, you know, good qualities.
She's a lying liar who lies. The fact that Kendall is aware of this and is ok with it actually makes me think less of him, which is just not ok. It depresses me. When Jo sees Kendall with Jordin Sparks, she overreacts. This is probably a reation that a lot of girls would have, but it just seems like it's too much. She doesn't wait for an explaination; she apparently just walks away. QUESTION: If Kendall has the oppertunity to set up several subsequent dates with her, why doesn't he just explain the situation? And if he has been explaining, then why would Jo continue to be such a bitch act like that? Furthermore, it seems out of character for Kendall, to not at least try to explain; he's an honest person, specifically when it comes to people he cares about. Following that, Jo either believes him but cannot contain her jealousy, chooses not to believe him, or she doesn't know him well enough to realize that he's telling the truth. None of these contributes to healthy relationship, and they've been seeing each other for about 7 episodes at this point (and a significant amount of time appears to pass between episodes, for the most part). Now, I realize that they both work a lot and don't have too much time to spend together, but I don't care. If they can't find time to see each other, they really shouldn't see each other.
I think I could probably not mind Jo if it weren't for this episode. I didn't like her much from her first appearance, but I didn't like Gustavo in the beginning much, either, so my opinions can be changed. I've never liked the fact that she lied about having a boyfriend, but even more than that I hate the fact that as soon as her dishonesty was discovered she promptly agreed to date Kendall even though she had just told her mother that she wanted to focus on her career more than anything else. It upsets me in ways I don't really even understand. Also, Kendall and Katelyn look too much alike for their relationship to not be at least somewhat squicky. Their eyebrows. Their hair. Even as a person who ships more than one incestuous relationship, it just doesn't seem right.
I could go on for hours about Jo, but I've already written too much on her. Moving on. Things I don't like: Jordin Sparks.
I honestly think the episode would've gone better if a new character were introduced - instead of having Jordin Sparks play Jordin Sparks, have Jordin Sparks play Lizzie Beltbuckle or something. One of my favorite things about BTR is the made up stuff - Dak Zevon, Pop Tiger, Jean-Luc Varn Darn.
They could've had a character with, you know, depth, or something like it. Sparks' performance is wooden at best, and she simply isn't interesting to watch. (Your mileage may vary.) I get that because they did the song with her, it's easier to bill her as herself than it is to go about the messy business of creating another pop singer and then having to bill them on the soundtrack/album, and blah ble be blah, but if that were the main cause of concern...they probably could've gotten a better singing actor.
Or, have them duet with Dak Zevon, resulting in a better song, a complete deletion of the Jo-is-a-bitch subplot, and another dimension to DAK ZEVON (!!!!!). Also, um, DUET IS TWO PEOPLE, THIS IS A FIVE-ETTE.
Pictured above: Kendall's face.
But, I'm tired of being all...negative. Things I love/like.
I love the Gustavo-Kelly-Skunk subplot. I love the Good Luck Patrol. I love Freight Train doing anything.
I love the relationship between Gustavo and Kelly so, so much. It isn't a romantic thing, and it isn't quite a boss-worker thing either, or anything else I can appropriately name. I love when he has to tell her "Don't panic," like they've been through all this before. I love the fact that Gustavo knows Freight Train's "girly voice" is terrible. And their various schemes to get the skunk. And their failure. Because zany schemes don't work unless the boys are involved.
I LOVE THE GOOD LUCK PATROL. Not only because Logan and Carlos are adorable super-gay BFFs, but because the way they are in this episode is SO different from the way they are in Big Time Terror. In Terror, Logan was annoyed during most of their interaction, and while I have used it as headcanon for Kogan, it also seemed a little off. But in Big Time Sparks, Logan is perfectly fine with their physical contact, perfectly fine with ALL OF THIS, like the LETS BE SUPERSPIES AND MAKE UBER-SPARKLY HAND TOUCHES O-KAY?? They're so cute. I love Logan like this, too, because we rarely get to see him with this little self-restraint. It isn't so much out of character as it is character development. (Especially since Fever, when he's a stoner. Going by the canon "Guitar Dude enlightened Logan...WITH WORDS NOT POT," Logan isn't nearly as uptight as he appeared in the pilot, and I reiterate, this is quite enjoyable.)
I love James' freaking out. SNEAKY LEPRECHAUN!
Loose ends:
- What happened to Camille? And Mama Knight? And KATIE? Ok, there wasn't much time for them, with the A plot, B plot, and C plot already going on, but it annoys me when they aren't even in the background or something.
- Carlos is reading HELMET magazine. No words for this. I love him.
- Characters in relationships in sitcoms quickly become boring and need to be promptly put on a bus. Can Jo please move away?
- We need more of the whole Gustavo-Kelly-Freight Train dynamic.
- No, seriously, can Jo just move away? Please?
Please forgive the wordiness, but BTR fans? Please read anyway. I need some feedback, specifically:
- Your thoughts on my thoughts on Jo.
- Your thoughts on what we should recognize the Gustavo-Kelly relationship as.
- If I should continue this writing series, and if I should include more pictures.
- And other stuff.
- I like this listing feature.
Aren't supergay BFFs fun?
EDIT: More of these are definitely coming your way. I may have to shell out some money on iTunes for a few episodes, but THESE. WILL. BE. DONE.