notes from the ocean

Nov 08, 2010 02:22


So Jacketboy is stupid. And doesn't get the hint that I don't like him in way besides "hey, we're friends." It's whatever.

My schedule changes after this week. All new classes. Or, at least 3 all new ones. And I know my math models class is staying the same, even though Jacketboy is leaving it. Which means we won't have the same lunch. Which I think is for the best, because he seriously needs to leave me alone for a while.

I'm staying in theatre for another trimester. I'm so not sure how I feel about that. I love theatre - but my teacher is an easily intimidated bitch who plays favorites so much it's a wonder she's not in the Olympics for it. She can't act. She can't direct. She doesn't teach. So fuck her. My teacher last year was great, at my old school. This one makes me dread theatre. Still, whatever. I'm not taking it next year. I'm in the class with all the seniors anyway, so I don't think it'd actually be an option to take it next year.

[This is because my old high school was a four-year school - 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th - and my new high school is only a three-year - 10th, 11th, 12th. So in my freshman year I took Theatre I, which is what sophomores here take. So theatre II is for juniors, and III is for seniors, but I'm a junior in III, because I'm cool.]

But anyway. She treats me like I'm some sort of second-class student, even though I fucking know what I'm doing and am in her most advanced class and actually TRY in there. But whatever. Her loss.

And my English teacher is a total idiot who can't read and who rambles about religion and teaches us things that just aren't true. Like, slant rhyme, when we were reading Emily Dickinson.

Slant rhymes are almost rhymes - half-rhymes, near-rhymes, sprung rhymes, they're also called. Like the words "chill" and "tool." Or "on" and "moon," as well as "bodies" with "ladies."

And this teacher decided that "door" and "more" are slant rhymes, when they're actually exact/perfect rhymes. And my friend Katie and I pointed this out to her. ("Isn't that just a regular rhyme, ma'am?") And she proceeded to ridicule us to the entire class.

So basically, she's a stupid titwad twat.

Anyway. Only 12 more weeks of her.

Also, I'm going to get US History next tri! History is my favorite subject ever, and I was upset that I didn't get to take it first tri, but I'll have it starting next week, and that makes me really, stupidly happy. And third tri, I get to take two periods of video tech, off-campus. So that also pleases me. ^____________^

But I'm also terrified.

Because in 25 weeks this year will be done with. And then it'll be summer. And then I'll be 18. And then, well. And then I'll have to do senior year and do WELL in senior year and then that will be over and it'll be summer and I'll be 19 and I'll go to California and, well, fuck.

tl;dr - This dude doesn't get that I don't want him, my teachers are stupid but I'm nearly done with most of them, I'm not doing theatre next year, I'm both excited and scared shitless about senior year and what comes after.


Fandom update:

No new fic to report. My brain's been zapped lately. I've missed the last new BTR.

I'm in love with Tower Prep.

Ian is so pretty. I ship him with Gabe. And Suki, a bit. Also Suki/C.J. is cute. As is Gabe/Suki. So. I approve of basically any combanation the doesn't have C.J. in a het relationship? I don't even know.

I'm mixing again, but mainly personal relationship stuff.

I need to get off my ass and write more of As Easy As You. Because it will be my fucking masterpiece and it needs to exist liek raught naow.

so there's this guy, i'm going to hell, tweendom, seriously you guys, because sleep is for pansies, angst, pictures!, i'm scared too, i am my own mood theme, fright, i think this is what insanity looks like, anchors, worries, tentacles

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