So Monday night i drove to Kilkenny for the memorial service for my uncle, it was a small service as the actual funeral had been in the UK last week. I hadn't seen him in over 10 years. He had been ill on and off for years, and had been told just 2 weeks before he passed away that he had 6 months to live. Funerals always make me think of how ephemeral life is... and it makes one think of what happens next.
The scientist in me thinks... nothing comes after death. That's it, final. The belief in the afterlife and god and religion is an intellectualisation of the conscious mind of a subtle delusion of the subconscious which prevents us from becoming anarchic, which would obviously be detrimental to the continuation of the species... Self preservation of the selfish gene... OK maybe i'm being harsh, but really... what else makes sense?
But are agnostics or atheists just the ultimate cynics?
So last night i was back pool training with the Spinal injuy association diving club.
We were doing try a dives, nothing too heavy. Jen and Meatball came along from my own club to help out. They hadn't had any experience before of diving with adaptive divers so it was a good experience for them, and hopefully i will be able to get a few more of the more experienced members to come along from time to time. It also will give them a great deal of experience in diving with disabled divers that they can take on board for their own diving so everyone is a winner.
It will be good to see the wild seals diving club start up again, and i have no problem helping out. The only slight concern i have is that they will ask me to be D.O. and i'm not keen on being D.O. again even of my own club! ack! responsibility! i say down with that sort of thing!
In other news
Catching the gay...
I read an interesting article in the Guardian
what makes people gay.
It seems there is mounting evidence for a biological basis rather than simply a nature or nuture causation. I've always thought the same thing, that it must be developmental in origin. Some speculation by one research team indicates that hormonal changes in the mother during gestation could be initiated by a viral infection. This would obviate the idea that there is an evolutionary benefit confered to the species by homosexuality.
But really who cares, as long as iditiotic ex-gay bullshit that is going down so well in the US gets knocked out of orbit...