In which there is randominity, and some thoughts on schtuff.

Aug 12, 2004 03:50

Quote for the day:
"'I saw the back of my own head!' whispered Johnny. 'My actual own back of my own head! Without mirrors or anything! No-one's ever done that since the Spanish Inquisition! How can you be so calm about this?'"
- Johnny and the Bomb, Terry Pratchett.

That is the best reaction to time travel ever. And then Kasandra (Kirsty, really) is just acting calm, because she's good at that. *loves characters* Best parallel universe and time-slicing book ever, even better than Thief of Time. The discussions the four boys have take on a life of their own, and I love that. It's what I try to do with some of my stories (like the Them finding a certain fake object that turns out to be real).

I was so relieved that I didn't have to put on the angry teacher act on the RP. 'Cos adult characters usually aren't intimidated by teachers, even with the use of magic. Or of throwing chalk.

There needs to be self-throwing chalk. Senses when someone is not paying attention, and flings itself at them. It would be very popular among teachers of the old school. Also among students, who would seize the opportunity to steal some and figure out how it worked. *plotbunny materialises from dust* Damn.

And I have to mention circe_tigana's Remus/Sirius fic, The Between Time, because it's just... so different from all the fluffy characterisations out there. There's a real sense of pain there, and real emotions. Left me speechless, really. NC 17, though that's never stopped me before.

I've always been able to pass for older than i really am, and apparently I look it as well. Or act like it, which makes me look like it. Or something. I think it's to do with maturity, rather than age. I'm eighteen, and I seem older than some. I had a hard time believing that my History teacher was any older than twenty-two, because she sounded all girly whenever she spoke. It was a "lets have fun" voice, and it made me want to scream. Matched with her appearance, it made her look more like a student than any other teacher. She was fairly nice, but it was an irritating kind of nice. She used it as a weapon. *decides to write a character based loosely on her*

I'm considering a pairing of Remus Lupin/Will Turner. I'm going to hell, where panfandom muses will attack me with alternately blunt and pointed objects, and won't let me write or think. Perhaps just Remus Lupin meets Will Turner, and chasing wossname ensues. Chasing Karkaroff, who scarpered through time. Um, that was formed way back when there were the cursed gold drabbles. *blinks* Will find out who it was and give credit for inspiration.

I got T5E out from the library again. *sigh* It's one of those books that I really didn't like at first, because of the whole Scone of Stone thing, but after the second or third time of skipping to the few bits I did like, I realised that I loved the relationships that went on during the book. Angua's worries about Carrot just /accepting/ that she's a werewolf, and Sybil and Vimes's understanding marriage (the kind that marriage should be) are the bits I love. As well as Gaspode's lack of grammar and Cheery's insistence on wearing a beard as well as a skirt.  Also Nobby and Colon, who have /metaphorically/ grown on me (because the literal meaning would evoke bad images).

And I have lifted some of the wolf fight for something. That was my original reason for getting it from the library. The dog comments, and the Vimes running up a tree, and a lot of the things in this book are useful. I have a basic outline for the story, but I have to fit it so it works seamlessly.

Post on witches, wizards and warlocks coming up, because I wanted to post my distinctions. In the meanwhile, here's a drabble. Original, inspired by real life, and just a bit silly. 100 words, but that's including the Shakespeare quotes.

"Is this a dagger I see before me..."Yasmin recited, then grasped for words.

"Actually, it's a pencil," Sam pointed out, still holding it up.

"Shhh. The handle towards my hand? Come, let me clutch thee."

"Ooh, scary." Chrys rolled her eyes.

"I have thee not - Sam, I'm not supposed to grab it!" Yasmin pushed the pencil away.


"I have thee not, yet I see thee still - oh, forget it. You guys want to go down to the dairy with me?"

"Only if we're not getting tomato sauce. Rose is looking for something to use as Lady Macbeth."
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