Series Title: The Night and Day Drabbles - Valentine’s Day Countdown
Title: Avenging
serinamalfoyRating: PG-13
Pairing: H/D
Word Count: 829
Summary: Yell for me, love. Scream out my name, tell me you want me to go, just like you did when I was living.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Dedication: The series is for
crikkita, though I fear that she will hate me after she reads this one. I love you sweetie, and I'm so sorry that I made this so angsty. You told me that I didn't do angst over the top, but I think I did this time! *cry* I'm so sorry, but I couldn't find any more bunnies!
A/N: In personal opinion, it's worse than
In his Father’s footsteps. It's angsty and cruel to all faithful H/D shippers. YOU ARE WARNED! Please, if any of you have ideas for really good, fluffy ideas, please send them to me! I know I'm going to kill off a lot of people if I continue on my angst rampage. The next one WILL be fluff. And, hopefully, so will a lot of others. I don't think I will continue with the idea of 'Night' fics being angsty. I'll try to stick with 'Night' fics being set at night as of now. However, don't think that the angst will disappear. There's still a good 8 drabbles left!
Oh, and I will have you all know that I absolutely hate this drabble. I had no other bunnies, and I had to get the angst out. I'll make it all up to you by writing a lot more fluff.
Catch up?
Day 1 -
Only to YouNight 1 -
What rain feels likeDay 2 -
DateNight 2 -
In his Father’s footstepsDay 3 -
All I want Night 3 - Avenging
He felt so empty being here. Everything seemed hollow. It was that, or everything seemed to be filled with memories that he tried desperately hard to drain. His footsteps echoed in the stone hallways as he walked, feeling lifeless. He hadn’t wanted anyone’s pity, so he had returned here. What a mistake that was, he thought.
He stopped walking. The Manor had never been his favorite place, and had only moved in upon the wishes of his lover. Now that his love was gone, he hated it even more.
There was a footstep somewhere behind him. He turned swiftly around, trying to discern what the dark shapes were in the dimly lit hall. Concluding that there hadn’t been anything, he swung back around, and continued to meander down the corridor.
Harry spun back round again. That voice. It couldn’t have been - it had sounded so much like…
He shook his head. He couldn’t allow himself to think about him. It would only hurt him. Harry continued his walk, trying to find solace in the rough stone walls. He dragged his bitten nails along the wall, attempting to lose his thoughts in the numerous jagged cracks he found.
It was a whisper; a repetition of his name, softly resonating down and throughout the halls. Harry bit his bottom lip. If he heard it again, he reasoned, he’d have to leave and go to St. Mungo’s.
Harry let a stifled cry escape his lips as he slammed his fist up against the wall.
“Dammit, Draco!” He yelled at the ceiling. “What the hell do you want from me?” Angry tears blurred Harry’s vision as he leaned his head up against the wall, allowing the sobs to rack his body as he stood there.
“It’s all your fault, Draco. You left me. You left me, dammit. What am I supposed to do, now that you’re gone? How was I supposed to save you?”
The footsteps came again, but Harry didn’t look up. There was a presence behind him, he knew, as he felt a cold breath pierce his skin. Winter-like hands placed themselves on his torso, feet taking sharp steps closer.
Why? breathed a voice, Why are you like this? You’re the one who said I didn’t matter.
“That’s not true.” Harry said, feeling weak and drowsy. “You said that I didn’t care. I told you that you were wrong.”
Yes, it said, You told me I was wrong. You said that it was not that you cared, it was that I betrayed you. I didn’t deserve to be loved.
“No.” Harry shook his head vigorously. “I didn’t mean it.”
And how was I supposed to know that? The whisper turned accusatory. Harry felt like he was being forced up against the wall, the back of his body fully flanked by a cold form. The stone in front of him ground into his chest and the side of his face.
Yell for me, love. Scream out my name, tell me you want me to go, just like you did when I was living.
“Draco,” Harry gasped, his breathing limited as he was forced even further into the wall, “Draco, don’t do this to me.”
The pressure increased, and Harry began to feel dizzy from the lack of air.
Do what? Kill you the way you sent me off to my death? You’re the reason I went to my mother in the first place. You destroyed me, Harry. There wasn’t much else left to do. I thought I would find peace with my mother, but no. She sold me to my father and the Dark Lord. But they didn’t do much. You had already slayed me. They just took the scraps and finished them off.
“I’m so sorry. So sorry…”Harry sobbed again, wincing at the feel of frigid nails biting into the skin of his forearms.
Shut up, Potter. You’re not sorry - you never cared. Do you ever wonder why I never called you by your first name? It’s because I knew you would never love me the way I loved you. I gave up my life to be with you, and you could have cared less. All I was was another warm body to put on the Ally list. So don’t you dare tell me you’re sorry. You only feel guilty because the warm body’s cold now.
“No! Draco, that’s not true.” Harry cried, seeing black spots invade his vision. There was an icy grip around his neck, and the already lacking air quickly dissipated into nothing.
I loved you, Harry, the voice breathed. Yes, I’ll call you Harry now. Because in a matter of moments, you’ll be able to see me again, and then I’ll get the chance to give you what’s been coming to you. Do you know what that is, Harry?
There was no response, except a dull thud.
It's called giving you a taste of your own medicine. You’ll love me the way I did you, and I won’t give a rat’s arse about it.
<< DAY 3 -