trust me it has a very very distinct smell and is not mistaken for anything else and never will be. there goes the alleged coke head taking said immidiate bump
i'm an emt
we don't pour vingear down peoples throat or in there lungs
or anywhere else for that matter
cause ambulances don't come equiped with a pantry
sencond emt's don't push morphine
a medic does
they'd RSI you
pump you full of valum give you a paraletic(aka paraliyze your entire body) and shove a tube down your throat into your chest to keep your airways open
but they might just skip the painkillers and just shove that tube straight down.
then rush you to a hospital for immediate poision inhalation and doctors and nurses and iv teams will be waiting to stop your bleeding re establish your airways.
so that next weekend you can go score again. :)
this story is pretty flawed you should check your info and try again
people who do coke still people. they do coke. whoa. thats there life not yours. are they attacking your choice to be edge? talking about putting poisons in your sprite next time your at a show? no. live your life. let other people live theres. you don't like people that do coke. thats fine. don't hang out with them. done. end of story. wishing death on them. thats fucked up and really immature of you. check yourself kid.
first off it was a joke. i ammend you for your impeccable humor.
second i didnt ask if you were an EMT. i dont care. if you didnt like this post you shouldnt have even posted anything.
third i can care less what people do with there lives, its just a livejournal post, it doesnt make me a militant elitist assholewho gets laughs on watching cokeheads die.
"thats there life not yours. are they attacking your choice to be edge? talking about putting poisons in your sprite next time your at a show? no. live your life. let other people live theres."
listen to yourself before you post something trying to make me look stupid.
lets start with this
a coke head will know what coke smells like
trust me it has a very very distinct smell and is not mistaken for anything else and never will be. there goes the alleged coke head taking said immidiate bump
i'm an emt
we don't pour vingear down peoples throat
or in there lungs
or anywhere else for that matter
cause ambulances don't come equiped with a pantry
sencond emt's don't push morphine
a medic does
they'd RSI you
pump you full of valum give you a paraletic(aka paraliyze your entire body) and shove a tube down your throat into your chest to keep your airways open
but they might just skip the painkillers and just shove that tube straight down.
then rush you to a hospital for immediate poision inhalation and doctors and nurses and iv teams will be waiting to stop your bleeding re establish your airways.
so that next weekend you can go score again. :)
this story is pretty flawed you should check your info and try again
people who do coke still people. they do coke. whoa. thats there life not yours. are they attacking your choice to be edge? talking about putting poisons in your sprite next time your at a show? no. live your life. let other people live theres. you don't like people that do coke. thats fine. don't hang out with them. done. end of story. wishing death on them. thats fucked up and really immature of you. check yourself kid.
i ammend you for your impeccable humor.
second i didnt ask if you were an EMT.
i dont care. if you didnt like this post you shouldnt have even posted anything.
third i can care less what people do with there lives, its just a livejournal post, it doesnt make me a militant elitist assholewho gets laughs on watching cokeheads die.
"thats there life not yours. are they attacking your choice to be edge? talking about putting poisons in your sprite next time your at a show? no. live your life. let other people live theres."
listen to yourself before you post something trying to make me look stupid.
let me live my life.
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