Jul 25, 2006 02:29
Dinner with mom & Brenda at Macaroni Grill yesterday. Cute & possibly gay waiter. My mom ended up getting trashed by the end of it all. &&& people wonder why I never want to drink. Impulsively washed my car in the dark when I got home.
Dollar Theatre with Laura, Jesus, & Brenda today. Poseidon. Love Boutique. We spent way too much time looking at playing cards, & I didn't even find a strap on, but I'm sure they have 'em. Rosedale Sonic & Best Buy run. Dog Problems. Elliott fixed my phone. :^)
I just found this: A Static Lullaby & A Thorn For Every Heart at Jerry's, Sept 18th. Hell yeah dude, finally a Jerry's show that interests me! Jeff is way cute. Shit yeah!
As much as I love being done with high school, I just feel so lost now. Around this time of year I'm always dreading the fact that school's approaching, but now there's nothing to dread but life itself. It's relieving & frightening at the same time that this isn't just another summer break. I don't know what the hell I want to do with my life. I haven't found any normal careers that actually interest me. I know I want to try out merching for awhile, but that's already not working out. I'll get a job & such in the meantime, and I really don't mind; I just hope that it won't hold me back from doing what I really want in life. I want to make something out of myself & I'm afraid that that's never going to happen. Life has always just seemed so pointless to me. Man, I'm not even sure if I wanna know where I'll be 10 years from now. That shit's scary.