Re: fill out this quiz antico and postico it nowserialkisserMarch 27 2004, 00:25:22 UTC
TADAAA!! Mark an X on the things you have NEVER done.
( ) been drunk ( ) smoked pot ( ) kissed a member of the opposite sex ( ) kissed a member of the same sex (x) crashed a friend's car *i think not* (x) been to japan ( ) ridden in a taxi ( ) had anal sex ( ) been in love ( ) had sex in public (x) been dumped (x) shoplifted (x) been fired (x) been in a fist fight (x) had a threesome ( ) snuck out of my parent's house (x) been tied up (sexually) ( ) been caught masturbating *ididntdoitnobodysawmedoityoucantproveanything* (x) pissed on myself (x) had sex with a member of the same sex (x) been arrested ( ) made out with a stranger (x) stole something from my job (x) celebrated new years in time square (x) gone on a blind date ( ) lied to a friend ( ) had a crush on a teacher *he's gorgeous.smells good.(and married) *&!@#$%^ :/* (x) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans ( ) been to europe ( ) skipped school (x) slept with a co-worker (x) cut myself on purpose (x) had sex at the office (x) been married (x) gotten divorced *lou divorced me for jessco 'n lauren etc etc.THIS MEANS WAR!(fear my wrath)* (x) had children *louants!!!* ( ) stripped at a party (x) literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street (x) jumped off a bridge ( ) gone surfing (x) had a mullet *billy ocean's mullet is the best yo* (x) peed in public
Re: soooo...serialkisserMarch 27 2004, 23:24:44 UTC
hehe no not my mom, but one of my flatmate that time hahaha that sucka! oh mezzanine is my fave MA's album ever! inertia creeps hmmm so intense! recollect me darlin', raise me to your lips, 2 under-nourished ego's, 4 rotating hips, clearly, out of body experience interferes, a dreams of flying i fit nearly, surrounds me though i get lonely, slowly, inertia creeps, movin' up slowly, ...
Mark an X on the things you have NEVER done.
( ) been drunk
( ) smoked pot
( ) kissed a member of the opposite sex
( ) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) crashed a friend's car *i think not*
(x) been to japan
( ) ridden in a taxi
( ) had anal sex
( ) been in love
( ) had sex in public
(x) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
(x) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) had a threesome
( ) snuck out of my parent's house
(x) been tied up (sexually)
( ) been caught masturbating *ididntdoitnobodysawmedoityoucantproveanything*
(x) pissed on myself
(x) had sex with a member of the same sex
(x) been arrested
( ) made out with a stranger
(x) stole something from my job
(x) celebrated new years in time square
(x) gone on a blind date
( ) lied to a friend
( ) had a crush on a teacher *he's gorgeous.smells good.(and married) *&!@#$%^ :/*
(x) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to europe
( ) skipped school
(x) slept with a co-worker
(x) cut myself on purpose
(x) had sex at the office
(x) been married
(x) gotten divorced *lou divorced me for jessco 'n lauren etc etc.THIS MEANS WAR!(fear my wrath)*
(x) had children *louants!!!*
( ) stripped at a party
(x) literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street
(x) jumped off a bridge
( ) gone surfing
(x) had a mullet *billy ocean's mullet is the best yo*
(x) peed in public
oh mezzanine is my fave MA's album ever!
inertia creeps hmmm so intense! recollect me darlin', raise me to your lips, 2 under-nourished ego's, 4 rotating hips, clearly, out of body experience interferes, a dreams of flying i fit nearly, surrounds me though i get lonely, slowly, inertia creeps, movin' up slowly, ...
lookin' forward to listen to your songs :)
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