I spent the afternoon worldbuilding. Kind of. None of this is set in stone exactly but I was exploring my thoughts on the major regions which are important to my next novel. I could write about ten posts on Enre alone. This is just a few minor details.
So here are some notes on Kislan, Enre and Sanri
North-western Continent. It is made up of 5 “kingdoms”. The 5 kingdoms are distinct and, at present, share a language but have distinct origins, histories, customs and ways of life. Systems of government are mostly absolute or constitutional monarchies but Zwell is notably still feudal. The major race on the Enre is humans, but there are several other large elements of the population, most notably the fairies and the elves, two related magical races with long life spans who can wield magic and tend to have slanted ears and brightly colored hair and eyes. Most human residents of Enre have pale skin, tending towards olive in the south. Hair and eye color varies by kingdom among humans. Other mythical creatures exist as well, with the notable exceptions of vampires or werewolves of any kind.
Technology in Enre is very advanced in certain areas and very backward in others. Many of the residents, even those of human decent, can and do use magic often. For this reason some technological advances have not been made as on other continents because magic can practically be used to make many kinds of technology unneeded.
Magic plays a large part in the culture and religions of Enre. Attitudes towards mages differ, but it is universally believed to exist and nowhere are magic users hunted or condemned.
largest and most influential country on the south-eastern continent. Sanri is confederation of small kingdoms with a lose central government led by an emperor who holds very little power. What power the emperor does hold is usually controlled from behind the scenes.
Most people use the same spoken and written language though there are several dialects. Customs, styles and standards of living differ greatly between region. Some kingdoms of Sanri have different laws than others and many allow things considered immoral in parts of Enre and Kislan, notably slavery. Laws are irregularly enforced. Sanri’s kingdoms have individual armies and navy’s as well as a central Imperial Army, but the Imperial Army sees little action as Sanri rarely invades other kingdoms for the last several hundred years and no one is stupid enough to invade Sanri. Most warfare in Sanri is between the lesser kings.
Very few in Sanri can wield magic and all who can learned it from someone from Enre or Sebraze. Many Sanri nations have laws against magic use but these are often not enforced. Since it is so rarely seen or used, many Sanrians have incorrect perceptions of magic or do not believe in it’s existence. If magical or mythical creatures exist in Sanri, they keep themselves well hidden.
The Sanri consider the Kislan to be snobs and somewhat untrustworthy and those from Enre to be backward for their mystical beliefs and easily tricked. Those who have seen magic worked tend to hold those from Enre in higher regard and sometimes even fear them. Rice is a staple in Sanri, as are several other foods which are grown in abundance in Enre, therefore trade with Enre is highly valued despite their low opinion of it’s people.
Kislan -
Kislan is about half of the size of Enre and sits north and east of Sanri, connected by a narrow isthmus (which is controlled by Sanri) It is a single kingdom, with an absolute monarchy. They have a complex class system which they hold to be very important, but many change ranks from generation to generation. Laws are rigidly adhered to and punishments for breaking them are severe, but regulated.
Kislan is closed to all trade outside of that from Sanri but the continent is temperate and they are largely self sufficient. Kislan is much more technologically advanced than other nations in the world, but due to it’s closed borders few others know much about the people here or their innovations.
Most sailors from Enre who enter Kislan waters are not heard from again. The waters around it are not well known and are notoriously hard to navigate. Those who enter them usually attempt to steer south for Sanri rather than risking landfall on Kislan where it is rumored all outsiders are killed. In actuality, killing without express reason is frowned upon in Kislan religion so outsiders tend to be deported to Sanri. The Kislan do not believe in magic or mystical creatures as a rule, but do know some about Enre through the Sanri. They consider the Sanri to be without morals, slippery and money grubbing, and those from Enre to be barbaric, warmongering and highly dangerous.