Oct 13, 2006 13:06
I really couldn't think of a title for this update...so that is why you get that one...since I do in a way...
hmmm....I feel like making a list of things since I am strange like that
so here goes an update, some which may be in the phone posts
- I am not sure about the job where I had orientation. They told me the wrong date twice and I have been having this weirdness about it since I got the application. So, I guess I could go back and ask for a new orientation, since last time I only called....but we shall see...
-I changed the layout if you haven't seen it
-Since last time I was on, the internet went down right before I decided to leave...which is why I decided to leave, so that is why I didn't get totally caught up....but I tried to read as many posts as I could, I just didn't answer any posts...not really...but I did read most of them or tried to. And if there is something I may not have caught but is important let me know
-had an interview on tuesday, and am still waiting to hear back, they were deciding between me and two other people
- I have some stories I should type up but we will see how that goes
- I am still waiting also to find out about another job. I hope I get an interview for it if the other one doesn't work out
- I heard someone say the other day that people who committ suicide don't go to hell, that 99 % of the time they go to heaven since they are troubled people...I am not sure if that makes me feel better or worse that I have been thinking about it again lately.
-I haven't been going to church lately. since my uncle wants some money since I went online on mom's phone....sometimes though employers were supposed to email me back...and right now having all these other bills to pay I am not worried about paying him money...since I have no money for anyone. I was going to go to church but I was legitimatelly sick after he called about it, then he took the phone bill to church and showed my mum, since it is her phone, when I wasn't there, so now I am "sick" everytime there is church. That is pretty bad...but I am frustrated enough about not having any money, and I told him I would pay him back, he didn't have to chaste my mum....
And the sad thing is even though I told him I would stop...I keep getting the urge to and have snuck on a couple times sense ::facepalm::
-I can't believe its been six months without a job
-I miss being on BSU campus...it is really sad. I thought I was through with that part of my life...I think it isn't just campus though, I miss the people a lot...
-I want to get some GRE study things...but I am not sure when I will ever have $130 to take the test, which is sad, since it is starting to look like I am going to be stuck in melbourne forever now, and aren't going to be able to go to grad school or law school. And I won't even know if I am good enough for either, when it seems I may never have enough money to take the tests. But I may see if there is some how I can waive the fees...I need to start looking when and where they have the tests also..
- so its been six months, and I gave this place a year...so, I need ideas where to move if I don't find a job in the next six months...which hopefully will not happen...also if you know any good universities for post undergrad.....I am also looking into Americorps...a friend suggested it to me...It seems pretty interesting, I think I am going to call them soon and ask them some questions
-its fun to play on aim at the library, but I may be here for a bit longer, but since meg and my sister seemed to be the only ones on, and they went off...I decided to log off....too many windows
-its really sad that my mum is better at the legend of zelda than me.
- My sister thinks I am weird but random bones of mine have been hurting. I don't know how to explain it...it is probably just stress...
-I miss having internet access 24/7 :(. It is sad to know I have to force myself to walk 30 minutes just so I can use the internet
-I can't find my episode of "blue highways" and I wanted to write a fic about the bug man...:( ....hopefully I can find it soon
-I watch the scream awards the other day on spike, they were fun, I hope they do them again next year
-and my sleeping schedule has been so fucked up it isn't even funny
I can't think of anything else. I probably should type up some stories before I get offline...so, I am off to go type some up...whether they be DC, or Profiler, or both. I haven't decided yet..though I have some from both I should type up
Also here is a meme I stole from everyone
01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions