В качестве эпиграфа (цитата из
беседы с Эммануэлем Дерманом в "Edge"):
The difference between being an economist and being a physicist is that most economists have never really seen a successful model. So they don't know what constitutes a good model and a bad model. They either denigrate models too much or they respect them too much and think they are much better than they are.
Physicists, going back to what I said earlier, know the difference between a really accurate theory and between a more or less pragmatic model and they understand where to make approximations and what not to take too seriously. It's that sort of understanding of how much theory is useful, but not too much, is one of the skills that physicists bring. The second is really a hands-on approach to doing things yourself.
Это к сегодняшнему
10 лістапада а 18-й гадзіне на падворку ЦСІ (Минск, ул. Багратиона, 39) адбудзецца чарговае пасяджэнне даследчага семінару Інстытута “Палітычная сфера”.
Тэма дакладу: “Мадэляванне і прагнозы ў эканамічнай навуцы”.
Дакладчык: Сяргей Чалы.
Запрашаюцца ўсе жадаючыя.
Update: аудиозапись выступления и последующего обсуждения - в подкасте:
Update от 16 февраля 2010: Появилась текстовая расшифровка подкаста. См на
странице с самим подкастом