Jul 10, 2003 02:29
today was an eventfull day of ALOT of waiting for a certain sumone who never even showed..yeah you. But whatever forgive and forget, no worries. I really need to move out not that its a bad place to live where i live, its really not and my moms pretty lenient and shit but i just think id do better on my own...maybe. I miss Watson i havent seen him for a while and hes my good friend and i miss him and hes awesome...im gonna steal him away from shadle damnit! Sometimes i think love hurts more than heartbreak, i mean with love you want to be with that person every second and if your not your thinking about that person every second and nothing gets accomplished! It's horrible but love is great also I LOVE LOVE! hahahahahahah ok yeah.
my bed looks really inviting right now.
remember nikk your the only guy that can make my heart beat fast and slow at the same time ;)