Apr 25, 2005 18:38
Wow. Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I didn't expect anyone to reply other than SPK and Sqeal. Thank you leah_leanna for adding your thoughts. I'm sure you are more than familiar with family stress and I thank you for taking the time out to comment. I hope all is well on your end.
Thanks SPK for repling, as usual, so sarcasim whatsoever in your words. *chuckles* I can't wait for the get together myself. And Squeal, I know that at some point you plan on having kids. I'm sure it will be one of the best experiences of your life. As my P.O.W. camp intructor always said, "You learn a lot about yourself when cornered"...just kidding. A little bad military humor there. Truth is, you mature dramatically.
Today I'm at work doing the night shift again. Normally I would work a double shift today to earn some days off in case that I need them but I'm just too worn out. My wife is stressed out about her brother's wedding, and tired from this last weekend of solid work. She's even snapped at me a little but its understandable given the current situation. Mostly though I worry about Jay and his schooling. Nalini and I are probably going to take him out of private schooling and put him in public schooling. We think in the long run he'll be happier there. I hope its the right decision, I don't want him to not be challenged, but at the same time, I think that he feels he's missing out on being a kid with the amount of homework that comes home from the teachers. Plus, they are doing SAT tests on the kids this week. Can you believe it? K-5 kids? Amazing. Perhaps its a really good thing to establish a high work ethic in the beginning but some six year olds just can't sit still long enough to fill in bubbles on a bubblesheet. Geez. As parents we only want him to be best prepared for life on his own. Decisions, decisions.