Well, back to Monday again. Nothing special happening. This weekend Nalini and I will be traveling to L.A. to shop for her brother's wedding. Both clothes for her and for Jay. Today, we are cleaning up the shop from the mayhem we had at the drill excersise. I have been dying to try one of my games I've just collected, but family needs must come first. Not that I have any adversion to fulfilling my needs as a husband and father, but dang, I miss video game time. Oh well, maybe as I age, I will enjoy gaming less. Or more likely, when I die and pass on to another plane of existance. In either case, I'm sure I will get some game time before either of those happen.
Squeal , I haven't heard about your experiences of Half Life 2, or rather the excuse as to why you haven't installed it yet :) I know that you have priorities, perhaps HL2 isn't something that interests you yet, but let me know when or if you've tried it.
SPK, How is Monday moving along for you. I hope you will have a productive day. Hang in there.
Nothing yet from my contact yet on the Bond game. I don't want to push him and make him pissed at me. So I won't ask again for a couple of days. Can't wait to get it though. We will need to schedule some times to do this as week days will nearly be impossible unless I go home for lunch between days of tues, wed, and thurs. And that can be anytime between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. (2:00 p.m.-3:30 pm.) for you guys, or some scheduled time on the weekends when we all have time. Which seems to be rare, but I'm sure we can work something out.