О "еврействе" принцессы Кейт Миддлтон.

May 07, 2011 12:52

Sadly, according to fairly definitive online source JewornotJew.com, even if there are Jews in Kate's family tree, at least five generations of the Goldsmith clan have been married in churches, so if there was any Jewish link (and I have a hunch there was...) it was lost long ago. Still, it's nice to think that there might possibly be a couple drops of Jewish blood in the royal family for many generations to come - even if they won't exactly be hosting a seder at Buckingham Palace.


Ссылки на марранов  не канают, ибо со времён Кромвеля иудеи в Англии могли свободно исповедовать свою веру.

И о голдсмитах . Арийцев среди них было дохрена и больше. Так что Голдсмит - совсем не обязательно еврей.

англосаксы, Кейт Миддлтон, Великобритания, чудо-юдо

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